Chapter Sixteen - You're The Safest Place I Know

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Trigger warning- physical assault

*Sierra's POV*

Shoving the door open I ran in and saw a bruised and bloody Spencer laying on the ground with a hooded figure straddling her with their hand clasped tightly around her throat. They had her arms pinned under their thighs, her legs were kicking out violently underneath the hooded figure. The mirror above the sink was shattered with a blood stain dripping down into the porcelain sink and pooling up around the drain.

In a moment of sheer panic I grabbed the closest thing I saw, picking up a small but hefty marbled statue of a Greek god and swinging it with as much force as I could into the back of the hooded figures head. A loud pained cry left the figure and thats when I knew it was a man. He had fallen off Spencer when I landed the blow to his head. Rushing to her I knelt down and tried to help her up but was quickly ripped up off the ground and thrown back. My back and back of my head hit the stall door before I fell to the ground on my side in a painful thud.

My ears were ringing as I tried to regain my senses about myself, my eyes refocusing just in time to see the man swing his leg forward as hard as he could delivering a kick into Spencer's ribs. Her pained screams filled my ears and he kicked her again in the same spot. I could see her chest rising and falling with every short pained shallow breath she took, her hands curling inward to protect herself instinctively.

With shaky arms I forced myself up again and rushed at the man, jumping onto his back before he could deliver another blow to Spencer's ribs. He stumbled backwards and slammed us into the wall, taking another blow to the back of my head I dropped off his back onto the ground. The momentary bravery I had was now long gone when the man stalked up to me and pulled a gun out of his waistband. My breathing stopped when I heard the click of the gun as he aimed it right at me, not wanting to see when it happened I squeezed my eyes closed as tightly as I could and waited for the gun to go off.

It never did.

Slightly peeking through my eyelashes I saw the man now on the ground, he appeared to be out cold. My eyes drifted towards Spencer, she was  hunched over in pain, one hand holding the same statue I had earlier while her other gingerly held onto her side that was kicked repeatedly.

"You need to get out of here." Spencer's voice was hoarse, her throat already showing a purple bruise from the mans hand clasped around it.

My mind felt like it was racing as I took in the sight before me, it wasn't until she was knelt down directly in front of me looking into my eyes that I realized she was talking to me.

"Sierra! Look at me!" She lightly gripped my shoulders, I did as I was instructed, gazing into her broken brown eyes. "You need to get out of here, go get Nathan."

"No I can't." I shook my head vigorously as she started to stand . "No. Not without you." I whispered grabbing her hand and not letting her take another step.

*Spencer's POV*

Her blue eyes pleaded with mine from the ground and I could see the pure terror in them, she was visibly scraped up and bruised from saving me. She saved me.

"Okay, together." Against my better judgment I nodded my head trying to reassure her, taking her hand in mine, I led us out of the bathroom and back out into the crowd. Loud gasps could be heard and looks of shock and terror were given as we made our way through the crowd searching for Nathan and Elara.

Every breath I took was painful, undoubtedly from the fractured or broken ribs I acquired. Sierra gently held me by my waist as she helped me walk, short small steps. My eyes met Nathan's and within a flash he was running through the crowd towards us. A small railing divided the space between us and he hopped over it with ease, one hand gripping it to guide his legs swiftly up and over it. Elara was hot on his trail and hopped the same railing in her skin tight dress and six inch heels. If I didn't feel like I was about to drop any second I probably would've been impressed.

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