Chapter Seventeen - There Is No Us

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My face was dripping with sweat as I landed punch after punch onto the punching pads Nathan had over his hands. We decided to pick up our training sessions again after the last couple attacks we've encountered. I was in great physical shape but I knew I needed to be in the best shape of my life to deal with whatever comes next.

"Do you feel like we've been attacked more in this town than we have anywhere else?" Nathan asked between grunts, slowly shifting backwards each time my fist connected with the pads.

"Well I do. You yourself haven't really been targeted here Nathaniel." I forced out while focusing in on my punch combo. Nathan rolled his eyes at my remark. I knew what he meant, but I just couldn't help point out the facts in the matter. Nathan wasn't the target, he was just the collateral damage.

"Switch." Nathan instructed and I switched up my footing and began leading with my left instead of my right. "I'm just saying, I asked around and there wasn't any sort of out of the ordinary crimes happening in Jacksonville before we arrived Spence."

I hummed aloud while counting the punch combo in my head. "That just seems like a pretty big coincidence." Nathan explained again.

Wiping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand I thought about what he was saying. That does seem like a big coincidence. I've done this job long enough to know that this was definitely not a coincidence. Someone was orchestrating everything and whoever it was was keeping themselves behind the scenes. The only thing we know for certain is that whoever it is that's pulling all the strings is a man.

"I'm not sure coincidence is the right word. Whoever it is definitely seems to have a problem with me being back in town. The death threat, the attack in the bathroom, and going after Sierra? This all has to do with me, but I'm not sure how I fit into all of this yet."

"We'll figure it out Spencer, and just know, none of this is your fault." Nathan tried to reassure me. Deep down I knew he was right, I couldn't control any of this and it was in no way my fault, but on the surface, my insecurities and self doubt were getting the best of me.

"Alright let's switch, tape up, its your turn." I smiled, trying to change the topic as quickly as I could.


"It seems Oscar is in the wind since the shooting occurred." Elara explained while flipping through the files on her desk.

It had been weeks since the shooting so he could be in Mexico by now for all we knew but it didn't matter, Oscar is the only solid lead we have right now.

"I really didn't want his name getting out and alerting whoever is orchestrating everything that he's a person of interest but it looks like we don't have a choice anymore. Put a BOLO out on Oscar and let me know if we get any hits." Elara nodded before turning towards her computer to do as I requested. She had been more than motivated to get some answers herself after the auction shooting and the attack during the reunion she attended with me.

"Back to the drawing board." I mumbled aloud to myself, dragging my feet towards the bulletin board set up. I needed to look at this from a different angle but I didn't know where to begin. The bulletin board had red string taped everywhere on it signifying possible events or people that could have a connection.

•Nathan and I flew in because of a security breach and drug smuggling, since we've been here there has been minimal movement of any sort of drugs.

•I received a dearth threat telling me to leave town.

•Then we went to the charity event and Rita and Oscar were there and it ended in a shooting where I was shot, but we don't actually know if Oscar was the second shooter or if there was a third person there who pulled that trigger.

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