Chapter Twenty - Answers

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It didn't take long to carefully slide myself out of Sierra's grip and get dressed, traffic was almost nonexistent this late at night so it only took around twenty minutes to meet up with Nathan. I recognized the address he sent me immediately, it was where Rita Chevalier had been assassinated in front of all of us. As I pulled up and parked the car I noticed a large group of people were already here. I recognized a few fellow agents and some of the CSU team talking amongst themselves. There were some faces that I didn't recognize but they seemed to be aiding the others where they could. Nathan's eyes met mine immediately as I got out of the car and I could tell from the look in his eyes that whatever was happening wasn't good. As I approached everyone they all gave me a sympathetic look, further fueling my confusion, before I had the chance to ask what was going on Nathan was already addressing me.

"Spence, come with me." He grabbed my hand and drug me through the crowds of people until we reached one of the CSU techs. He gave Nathan a half hearted smile before turning to face me.

"Hello, Agent Beckett. We haven't been formally introduced yet, my name is Alex Davies." Alex held his hand out to shake mine, I politely shook his hand waiting for someone to continue.

"Alex is the one who got me the ballistics information when you were shot." Nathan added returning Alex's half hearted smile from earlier.

"Well its nice to finally meet you, now can someone please tell me what is happening?" I hoped the frustration in my voice wasn't too evident but my patience was starting to wear thin. I wasnt too keen on the idea of being drug out of bed in the middle of the night just to exchange pleasantries.

"Of course, if you'll follow me." Alex and Nathan led me to a concrete wall that ran along the steps of the courthouse. The wall itself wasn't very big, only coming up about knee high level. Alex crouched down in front of a section of the concrete indicating that this was what they wanted to show me. Upon further examination of the wall I saw what the other two were looking at. This was our point of impact from the shot that was fired that killed Miss Chevalier. I pulled on a pair of nitrile gloves that Alex had offered me before running my index finger over the point of entry in the concrete.

I couldn't help but let my mind wander as I traced the hole with my finger for a second time. This could've easily blown mine or Nathan's head to bits, if it would've been a few meters to the left or the right than one of us wouldn't be standing here looking at this single hole in the wall. A few meters would've changed everything. Dusting my hands off, I cleared my throat trying to conceal the inner spiral that wanted to force its way out again.

"Was the bullet retrieved?" I asked bringing my attention back to Alex and Nathan.

"Yes, my team was able to retrieve the bullet without incident."

"By the looks of the wall I'm going to assume this was a .308 Winchester round?" I asked, curiously glancing at Alex.

Alex pulled the evidence bag out and held it up in the dim light that the street lights were providing. "Actually, it looks to be a .300 PRC."

That caught my attention. Someone who chooses to use a Precision Cartridge Round is undoubtedly highly skilled in marksmanship. Nathan and I shared an unsettling look between each other, both of us well versed in the different type of ammunition a marksman would use. This specific round was designed with long range in mind.

"Do we know where the snipers nest was yet?" I asked tentatively. Nathan was beginning to look more and more uncomfortable with every passing minute. "What the hell is going on with you?" I finally asked, staring Nathan down as he nervously scratched the back of his head under my stare.

"Well, thats why I called you out here." He mumbled nervously. "Alex uhm, he found something in the snipers nest." Nathan explained.

Nathan and Alex led me almost a mile away from where the bullet had made impact with the cement wall in front of the court house. We came to a stop in front of a new building that was still under construction. After ascending the many flights of stairs that led us up onto the rooftop Nathan took the lead and guided me to a scaffolding that had blue tarps draped around it to keep it in good conditions against the weather.

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