Chapter Four - Choices

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Nathan and I left the hotel before 8am. We strode down the sidewalk silently, neither of us had our morning coffee yet. We had a mutual understanding with each other, don't push each others buttons until we've had our coffee.

"Okay, maybe you were right." Nathan said while clutching his coffee close to his chest.

"About what?" I arched a brow at his sudden outburst.

"This is the best coffee I've ever had!" The toothy grin on his face was contagious as I couldn't help but flash him one too.

"Oh. My. God. Spencer!!!" A loud cheery voice exclaimed behind me.

I didn't even have to turn around to know who's loud chirpy voice this was. I could feel Stella staring into the back of my head. I hadn't told her I was coming home, so I'm sure this is quite the surprise. Nathan had an amused look on his face at the sight of my nervousness.

"Hey Stella!" I smiled sheepishly, feeling a bit guilty that I never even bothered to call her ahead of my arrival.

"Good." Stella said with a slight fire inside her eyes.

"What?" I breathed, nervously playing with the wrist cuff of my blazer.

"You feel guilty, I can see it all over your face. So good." Stella's smirk barely visible at the corner of her mouth.

"I'm sorry." I hung my head down, definitely feeling the shame of it all now. Stella eyed me up and down, making me feel uneasy in my own skin. "I'll forgive if you come give me a hug!" she teased.

That was all it took. A simple hug to earn back her forgiveness. Our friendship runs deeper than any petty fight we could ever have. So if its a simple hug that will rectify my mistake, than I am more than willing to give her the best hug I can muster up. As we pulled away from the embrace I could hear Nathan clearing his throat, impatiently waiting for me to remember my manners and introduce him.

"I'm sorry, Stella this is Nathan. Nathan this is Stella, she's been one of my best friends most my life." I said smiling as they shook hands and got their formalities out of the way.

"So, how do you two know each other?" Stella asked, curiously.

"We're partners!" Nathan smiled proudly at me.

Stella leaned in closer to me with a confused look splattered across her face. "Oh okay, I'm just surprised is all. I always thought you were gay Spence?"

"For fucks sake Stella, I am gay!" I dropped my head into the palm of my hand. "He means work partners." I can't really blame her for thinking Nathan and I were a couple, most people did. We were incredibly close, we talked about everything together, we didn't really have "boundaries" with each other. To most people it seemed odd, but to us, it was our normal.

"Ohh!" Stella laughed. "Well that makes a lot more sense. So Nathan, are you also gay?" She raised her brow at a now grinning Nathan.

"No, I'm very straight." A flirtatious smile spreading across his lips.

"Well then, maybe I'll see you around sometime then!" Her eyelashes fluttering at him. She knew exactly what she was doing, and so did he. With a mischievous toothy grin, he nodded. "You can count on it."

"Okay, well we better get going now." I tried to end this awkward situation I've somehow found myself in. "I'll call you Stella." The thought of Stella and Nathan going out together made me laugh. Stella was a force to be reckoned with, Nathan had no idea what was coming for him.

While walking to the office I looked at Nathan who still had a huge grin spread across his lips. "You have a bit of drool." I rolled my eyes as he wiped his chin with the back of his hand. The rest of the walk was quick, the office was close to the coffee shop. As soon as we walked through the doors, we had our game faces on. We quickly got acquainted with our team here. Special Agent, Kelli Riggs was in charge of setting up all of our surveillance needs. Special Agent, Elara Chase was our computer whiz. Special Agent, Scott Edwards and Special Agent, Michael Shaw handled all the leads that came in for the drug distribution. Nathan and I were primarily focused on tracking down where the source of the signal actually originated from, in hopes that by tracking down the hacker we might be able to gain some leverage on the drug trafficking.

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