Chapter Twenty-Four - Wrong Answer

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It had now been over forty-eight hours that I've been stuck in this chair, stuck in the clutches of my captors. I knew statistically speaking that after seventy-two hours your odds of survival become slim. Avery and Alison had been gone for awhile now, I was left alone again. My muscles felt like they were beginning to atrophy. The blood on my wrists had dried from the ropes digging into them, I tried to remain as still as I could as to not tear back into them.

My head felt too heavy to drift off to sleep, my thoughts kept wandering to my friends and family, and her. Was Nathan going out of his mind trying to find me? Would he blame himself if I didn't make it out of this? I wanted nothing more than to tell him that this isn't his fault, it was my own. I knew he wouldn't stop until he found me, I just wasn't sure what he would find when he finally did end up finding me. Would I still be holding on, or will I have given up and lost the fight? I wanted to stay strong and keep my resolve, I wanted to make it out of this in one piece, but my mind was succumbing to darkness. I just wanted it to be over.

I wanted to be there for when Anna had her baby, be the best aunt to that baby that I could be. Show them that they can do anything they put their mind too. Would Stella keep it together for Nathan's sake once I'm gone, or would she crumble into pieces alongside him. I had never seen either one of them so happy as they are when they're with each other, if there were two souls int he world that deserved happiness it was them. I wanted to be around to see their relationship flourish, though he's never admitted it, I know in my heart that Nathan loves Stella. Stella loves him too, she just doesn't realize it yet, but she will. That I knew.

Would my aunt and uncle be able to go on with their lives? They saved me from a terrible situation, they gave me the chance I needed to grow and flourish throughout the years. Would they be disappointed in me after they did so much to save me and realizing that I wasn't able to save myself in the end? Would all of their efforts they put into giving me my best chance be for nothing? The thought of disappointing them in any capacity killed me, they always saw the absolute best in me, all I've ever wanted to do was make them proud. Show them that everything I've ever accomplished was because of them, because of that chance they gave me.

My mind was in shambles, but even in the chaos, my mind always came back to her. Sierra deserved so much more than me, more than the life she had been dealt. Her entire life has been filled with sadness and hurt and betrayal, betrayal from those who should've kept her safe. Even with her whole world shattering and falling apart before her very eyes she still found the courage and strength to stand tall and stay strong. I've brought her nothing but pain and misery, and yet she still stands next to me. A lesser person would've ran by now, washed their hands of the chaos and not look back, but she doesn't. She doesn't run, she stands her ground. Sierra deserves someone who doesn't question her loyalty, someone who doesn't falter, someone who loves her even harder on her bad days. Somebody who sees the beautiful soul she is and embraces her flame thats inside of her and helps it burn brighter and hotter, never extinguishing her flame to brighten their own.

I could feel my eyelids growing heavier with each fleeting thought that passed through my mind, I tried to shake the drowsiness off as best as I could so I could stay awake and alert for whenever someone came back, but I knew this was a losing battle.

The feeling of my body shaking back and forth woke me from my sleep, my eyes were still trying to process what I was seeing.

"Spencer! Spencer snap out of it!" Nathan's voice rang in my ears, the look of pure terror and worry on his face was like a knife straight to the heart.

"Nathan?" I chocked out in a barely audible whisper. "How did you-" I couldn't keep the tears in, they started flowing freely as Nathan gently put the palm of his hand on my bruised cheek stopping my words short in my throat.

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