Chapter Twelve - Extraordinary

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Sierra's POV

I couldn't sleep, I tossed and turned but to no avail. I spent the majority of the night just watching Spencer sleep, watching her chest rise and fall, listening to her soft breathing and little whimpers while she slept. I was afraid, afraid that if I closed my eyes I would wake up to discover that this was nothing more than a cruel dream I was having and that Spencer would be right back in that hospital bed asleep.

She looked so peaceful while she slept, her long drown wavy hair hugged her shoulders, her soft delicate skin and a subtle glow to it, and her pink lips were just slightly parted while she slept. She looked like a damn angel and I couldn't help but smile and caress her face in hopes that she would somehow be able to feel my touch in her sleep and maybe just maybe it would keep her nightmares away tonight.

"They say talking to someone when they're asleep can be therapeutic, it gives you the chance to be brave and say what you need to say without worrying about the possible retribution." I whispered to her and brushed her hair away from her lips. "Did you know you snore?" I chuckled quietly as to not wake her. "I was so scared Spencer, scared that I would never see you again, scared that I lost you again after just getting you back. I wasn't lying when I said I have so many regrets about our past and the more time I spend with you now, the more I hate myself for not standing by you back then." My tears were welling up in the brim of my eyes. "You're not special Spencer, you've never been're extraordinary and I hope one day you see it like I do. I swear I fall for you a little more every single day."

Morning snuck up on us before I realized it, the sun was shining into my room and bringing my plants to life. The birds were starting to sing their morning songs outside my window that was cracked open, the cool breeze made my curtains flutter back and forth as if they were dancing with each other. I was able to sneak out of bed without waking Spencer so I could start brewing coffee but I was too afraid to risk climbing back into bed with her, so I decided to snuggle up in the chair in the corner of my room with my coffee.

"Sierra, are you watching me sleep?" Spencer muttered between yawns, rubbing the sleep put of her eyes.

"Maybe..." I admitted sheepishly.

"You're a strange one Harris." She mumbled bringing herself up into a sitting position.

"Yeah and you snore!" I teased.

"I do no such thing!" She stuck her lip out in a pout.

"Whatever you say Beckett." I laughed. "So, did you sleep okay?"

She brought her hand up to her neck rubbing it with one final yawn escaping her lips. "I slept good actually. I think I was having really weird dreams though."

"You think?" I questioned her.

"Yeah I mean it was weird. I was arresting someone for murder and then like a flash my entire dream changed and you were there and you were talking to someone and you were saying all these things to them." Spencer shrugged her shoulders and she tried to recall the details from her dream.

Fuck! Did she actually hear everything I said to her last night? There's no way she could've...right?

"What kind of things was I saying?" I asked innocently as to not draw any suspicion to myself even though I'm pretty sure all the color has drained from my face and my leg is shaking on the ground below me.

"Just that you were sorry and you were falling in love with them." Spencer laughed quietly as she said it out loud.

"I never said I was falling in love!" I shouted in a blind panic.

"What?" Spencer questioned me.

So much for not drawing any suspicion to yourself you idiot.

"I meant I would never say that to some random person in your dream, how ridiculous would that be-" I let out a shaky laugh trying to blow it off. "Anyways, here I made you a cup of coffee."

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