Chapter Eighteen - Oh Crap

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Sierra has been in LA for work for a little over a week now, she's also screening all of my calls and texts and no one can seem to tell me when she's planning on returning back home. I haven't seen Alison in the last week either, luckily for her. Nathan and I have been hard at work chasing leads and pounding the pavement. Stella apparently also left town a few days ago for her annual family reunion in Colorado so Nathan and I are quite the miserable pair together.

I've been chasing any sort of lead that can lead me to where Oscar has fled to, while Nathan has been digging through the Mayors personal life. He's been optimistic that he's going to uncover something that'll lead us to something we've missed or overlooked all together.

"Looking over all this it looks like the mayors wife went to prison for embezzlement?" Nathan asked flipping through the files at his desk.

"Yeah, apparently she was embezzling out of the campaign funds that were coming in back in the day. Why?" I asked lazily from my spot I was laying in on his leather couch he had in the corner.

"Well take a look at this." He motioned to the highlighted lines on the paper before him. I begrudgingly pulled myself off of the couch and took the paper he'd been referring to.

"It's the supposed transfers that were made to his campaign and the other highlighted lines are the supposed payments his campaign made to different companies." Nathan explained while my eyes wandered over each highlighted amount.

"Right, all the payments were actually going to a separate account that his wife set up. That's how she was embezzling through the campaign election. We already know this. What's your point Nathan?" I asked, though I was quickly losing interest in Nathan's little show and tell.

"Look at this page." He said smugly, handing me the next page of highlighted amounts. It was almost identical to the first page, just different LLC's listed on the receiving end of the payments.

"Yes Nathan you did your homework. There was a lot of embezzling going on before his wife got caught and went to prison." I commented snidely, tossing the paper back into he pile with the rest of them.

"I did do my homework, didn't I?" He stated smugly, "That's why I noticed that this page is from two years ago." His smile widened as realization dawned on me.

"What?" I gasped, digging back into the pile of papers to retrieve it and examine it more throughly. Nathan was right, the dates marked on this document were more recent than the others.

"This means that the embezzlement is still on going and it didn't stop with his wife."

"Or maybe it was never his wife to begin with." I added suggestively.

Nathan hummed aloud while thinking about what we just discovered. "Feel like taking a drive upstate?"

The drive to the penitentiary took a couple of hours, and was filled with small talk about the case and what this could mean and where we could go depending on what Mrs. Harris shared with us. With every passing mile I was getting more and more anxious, knowing that this could be a pivotal moment in this investigation.

"Do you feel guilty?" Nathan asked, jarring me out of my own head.

"I mean, a little bit dude. The girl I love thinks I've betrayed her and here I am going to talk to her mother whose been in prison for the last decade. I don't even think Sierra's spoken to her mother in years." I rambled out in what felt like one long breath. "Should I feel guilty?" I asked, desperately looking for any sort of input on the matter.

Nathan was quiet for a moment, glancing my direction to study me before adverting his eyes back to the road. "I don't think you have anything to feel guilty about Spencer. You're doing your job and following the evidence. That's all anyone can ask of you, and if someone can't seed that, well then thats their problem. Not yours." Nathan spoke smoothly with confidence.

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