Chapter Thirteen - Diving Back In

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"You need to tell me if you're in pain, okay? If you feel any pain we'll stop." Sierra kept repeating herself as we walked into her house. I appreciated the sentiment in her words but right now in this very moment I didn't give a fuck. This last week has been torturous, being this close to her, sleeping next to her every single night and not being able to touch her has driven me mad. I knew we had to be careful because the fresh new skin that formed on my chest was still delicate, but that thought was so far in the back of my mind at this point.

I grabbed Sierra's hand and tried to guide her to the bedroom but she grabbed my wrist firmly and pulled it off of her. She crossed her arms across her chest and started tapping her foot in frustration at me.

"What now?" I groaned.

"Tell me that you heard and understand me." She arched her brow, waiting for my response. I nodded my head yes and tried to take her hand again but she once again pulled it back causing me to groan internally. "Use your words." She demanded.

I impatiently started scratching the back of my neck, this woman was going to be the death of me, I just know it. "Yes Sierra, I heard you and I acknowledge what you said and you have my full and complete understanding on the matter. Happy now?" I rolled my eyes dramatically at the smile that formed on her lips.

"Yes, yes I am." She stated proudly like she just won the biggest debate of her life. She walked past me and with every step in her stride she swayed her hips back and forth making me subconsciously lick my lips. She knew exactly wheat she was doing, she tries to put on this innocent act all of the time, but I can see right through it.

My eyes landed on her backside as she walked away until she turned around to face me, she brought her index finger up and wagged it at me in a 'come here' motion as she walked backwards to her bedroom, never once breaking eye contact with me. I bit the inside of my cheek trying to conceal the blush that I felt creeping into my cheeks, and like a moth to the flame I followed her.

Sierra closed the bedroom door behind me and leaned her body back against it with her legs spread apart. I wasted no time in taking advantage of the moment and made my way over to her, stopping right between her legs. Her hands found the hem of my hoody as she slowly pushed her soft hands up underneath it, her fingertips trailed along my abdomen sending mind numbing shivers down my spine. My skin felt like it was on fire from her light touch and I couldn't get enough of it. I tilted my head back slightly and let out a soft moan when her fingers found my rib cage.

The soft moan I let out must've excited her because I saw something in her eyes change. They were no longer beaming blue with adoration, instead they were swirling pools of grey, filled with lust and desire. Sierra pulled her hands out from underneath my hoody and I almost groaned at the loss of contact. She pulled herself off of the closed door and I took a step back giving her some room to stand up straight, but before my legs even came to a complete stop she was pulling my hoody off over my head and tossing it somewhere in her room.

I immediately pulled the t-shirt I was wearing underneath off and dropped it at our feet, kicking it away until I was left standing in just a bra and my sweatpants. Sierra brought her hand up to my sternum and started pushing me back towards the bed. "Sit." She ordered. My eyes widened at her sudden boldness but I complied with her demand. She made her way in between my legs and hovered over me, it wasn't often that we were in a position where she was taller than me but damn I loved the view. Sierra pulled off my hoody she stole from me and threw behind her back revealing the red lace bra I saw earlier, I wrapped my arms around the small of her back and looked up at in her awe. I thought the view was great before, but now, I could hear my heart beating inside of my own head .

I placed small wet kisses against her collar bone and down her sternum, stopping right in between her breasts I placed another long wet kiss, "I was hoping I'd get to see that red little number again." I mumbled against her soft skin. I could feel her chest vibrate into my face when she laughed at what I said.

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