Chapter Eight - I'm An Asshole

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The light peaked through the curtain and danced across my face, my eyes fluttered back and forth behind my closed eyelids as I slowly gained consciousness and groaned to life. Sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I winced at the pounding in my head. I was hungover, my eyes were blurry and my throat felt dry. I reached for the glass of water on the nightstand and took a sip trying to soothe my symptoms. My eyes shot back open at the sudden realization that this was not my room, nor was it my bed or glass of water on my nightstand. Panicked I jumped up out of the bed and heard a voice curse at me for being too loud.

"Fuck Spencer, can you keep it down? My head is killing me." Elara mumbled through sleep filled eyes. I was in Elara's house, in Elara's bedroom. In Elara's fucking bed!

"W-what? I mean how..I..what?" I sputtered in confusion. I glanced down at my body and let a sigh of relief as I noticed I was still in my clothes from the night before and so was she, we didn't sleep together. Reeling from my hangover I tried to slow my brain down enough to collect my thoughts.

"Oh will you both just shut the fuck up?" Nathan snarled. I spun around in even more confusion not seeing where his voice was coming from, I turned to Elara as if I was waiting for her to confirm that she heard his voice too and I wasn't going crazy.

"Don't pay any mind to him, he's just mad I made him sleep on the floor." Elara rolled her eyes at the scoffs coming from the ground of the foot of the bed. Slowly I see two hands come up and grip the edge of the mattress. If she wouldn't have told me he was down there I probably would've passed away on the spot. He pulled himself up and rested his elbows on the edge of the mattress looking up at us. He looked like hell. His hair was tapered over the side of his head sticking out, he had bags under his eyes and his tie was untied hanging loosely around his neck.

"I'm a grown man in my thirties, sleeping on the floor is not good for my lower back." He huffed yanking the tie off of himself.

"I told you there wasn't enough room in my bed for the three of us!" Elara clapped back and I watched Nathan let go of the mattress and fall back to the floor with a grunt.


After I showered and forced myself to eat some breakfast I decided I'd call Sierra. We haven't spoken since I almost arrested her and I knew by the look on her face that it wasn't going to go over well. After the fifth ring the line went to her voicemail so I decided to just send her a text message.

"Can we talk?"

"I guess." I frowned at my phone, she didn't seem like she was eager to speak to me yet.

"You can stop by."

"I'm on my way."

I slid my phone into my pocket and headed that way. I felt a nervous feeling rush over me and settle in the pit of my stomach as I made my way up her driveway. With a uneasy breath hitched in my throat I put the car in park and walked up the porch steps leading up to her door, before I could knock on her door she opened it and we were standing face to face in her doorway.

Sierra's face was stoic when she met me at the door. Her demeanor wasn't the usual warm welcoming demeanor I've become accustomed to, it almost seemed a bit cold? I mean I knew she was going to be upset that I tried to arrest her but I thought maybe- well I don't quite to know what I thought. She stood in front of me with her arms crossed leaning against the side of the door frame, she had on a baggy oversized flannel that hung unbuttoned over her grey t-shirt and black running joggers on. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun with small wavy strands of hair hanging down hugging her cheeks. I noticed a small glint of sweat on her forehead, she must've been out jogging when I texted her.

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