Chapter Twenty-Five - Stupid Ideas

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The smell of fresh blood filled the room, the sight of the small red puddle underneath my birth father continued to grow larger with every passing moment. If you're lucky in your lifetime, you go through your entire life without seeing someone else lose theirs before your very eyes. Most people assume that when someone loses their life, that they appear peaceful, as if they were just sleeping. You watch movies and you see someone lose their life and they drop to the ground with their eyes closed, but in reality, thats not always the case.

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, that the light that burns within them can captivate and draw you inside. Nobody ever really notices how much light someone's eyes can hold, not until you watch that very captivating light leave their eyes. They become dark and hollow, just an empty void that once held so much inside of them. My fathers eyes were devoid of anything, the sight of those empty eyes staring back at me while he laid lifeless on the floor a few feet in front of me, the sight was haunting. Those eyes that once held so much joy inside of them, they were now just empty. I wanted nothing more than to break out of this chair and rush over to his side, to gently close those dark brown eyes that would light up anytime he saw me.

The sound of the creaking floorboard snapped me back to the cold harsh reality I was stuck living in, as much as it hurt me, I didn't have time to hurt. I didn't have time to feel pain. I had to push through the pain if I was going to make it out of this.

"Now lets get back to business, shall we?" Roger's cold voice cut through the deafening silence. My eyes found his and they were just as cold and devoid of any life, just like my fathers now were.

The fact that he thought this was nothing more than business made me physically sick to my stomach. He's played his role of puppet master my entire life for the sake of a business transaction that he'd concocted in his delusional brain.

"Why would I ever do anything for you?" I could hear the venom dripping off every single word that left my lips.

"Alison, be a dear and bring out what's behind door number two." Roger's lips curled up into a devious smirk.

Alison hopped down from the tabletop that she was sitting on and started towards the back of the cabin. I could make out the sounds of scuffling and muffled cries. My palms began to twitch as the sweat began to bead up on my brows. I knew that sound, I could recognize those muffled cries. I could see Alison coming back into view in my peripheral, the sight of someone struggling in her arms had the beads of sweat starting to drip down my face.

I watched as Alison threw her down onto the ground at my feet. Her hands and ankles were bound together in front of herself with zip ties, a dinghy white cloth had been tied around her mouth, effectively gagging her to prevent her from speaking. Her dark blue eyes were bloodshot with tears she'd cried, the look of complete and utter raw terror swirled in those blue orbs that I always found myself getting lost in.

"Sierra..." My voice was barely above an audible whisper.

"Now, have you reconsidered the offer? Or do we need to repeat ourselves, again." I knew he was speaking to me, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from Sierra. The soft muffled cries and whimpers escaping her as she tried her best to scoot away from my fathers lifeless body on the ground beside her. She looked terrified, her eyes didn't know what to settle on. I watched as she glanced between the body, Roger, Alison, and myself.

I knew their demands were insane, but how could I turn them down at this point? I had no doubt in my mind that if I refused again, they would kill Sierra just as they did my father. On the other hand, if I agreed to their delusional terms, who's to say they won't turn around and kill her anyways. I didn't have the means to guarantee her safety in my current state, they had me up against the wall and they knew it.

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