11. The Incident

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Rusty walks out of his front door with Dusty. They both get onto their separate busses. He walks towards the back and sits next to Jack, who is sitting across from Mackenzie. Rusty has an angry expression. "You okay Rusty?" Jack asks worrily. "Yes, I'm fine!" He shouts,  staring out the window. "You don't seem fine.." Mackenzie adds. "I'm fine. I'm just upset because I'm....grounded.." He sighs. "Oh....It'll be okay...." Jack says sorrowfully. The bus stops at Bluey's house. Bluey waves goodbye to Bingo as she steps onto the bus with Judo.

Halfway to the school, Jack looks at Rusty. He still looks upset. "H-Hey Rusty...." Jack says, looking down at his feet. "Yeah?" Rusty responds, turning to him. "T-Thanks for protecting me..." Jack thanks quietly, looking away to hide his blushing face. Rusty can feel his face      turning a light shade of pink. He turns towards the window to avoid the awkwardness.

"So what are you gonna do about Stephanie?" Bluey asks Judo. "My mum said to just avoid her at all costs, and she'll leave me alone" she explains to the heeler. "That bitch better not try anything" Indy jokes.

The bus stops in front of the red brick school, the students get off the bus. They all search for their classes. Judo walks into math with Pretzel. Mr. Retriever is sitting at his desk. Everyone sits down, some kids are half-asleep, and others are on their phones or talking to their friends. Nobody liked this class. Before the class starts, Judo asks if she can use the bathroom, she raises her hand. "Uh, excuse me? Can I use the bathroom?" She asks politely. "Sure thing, just grab a hall pass" He tells her. She gets up from her seat and grabs the yellow hall pass on the desk near the door.

She looks around for the bathroom. She's only used it once, and that was on the first day. The halls are completely empty except for a few students that came late. She eventually finds the bathroom. As she the door she feels that something isn't right. The place felt unsettling. When she walks into the cold white walled bathroom, it appears to be empty. She opens up the stall door but stops when she hears someone else in the room with her. Stephanie walks out of the stall wearing a dark black hoodie. Judo instantly becomes petrified. She yanks open the stall door and hides in it before Stephanie notices her. Her breathing becomes heavy, and Stephanie can hear her inside the stall. "Who's in here!" She screams. She checks the stalls one by one. Each one of them are unlocked, except Judo's. She tries to open Judo's stall, she bangs on it over and over. "I KNOW YOUR IN THERE" She screams at the top of her lungs. "LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" Judo screams back. Judo frantically looks around for an escape. She decides to crawl under the stall to try to get out of the situation. She kneels down and squeezes underneath the wall she tries to run towards the exit but Stephanie yanks her hand and pushes her onto the ground "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" Judo shouts frantically.

Stephanie pulls something out of her pocket. It's a sharp metal butter knife. She tries to stab Judo on the ground. She freezes when Bluey and Indy walk into the room. Both of their smiles fade as soon as they see what's going on. Stephanie looks back down at Judo, who is now gone. She gets pushed onto the tiled floor by Bluey. She kicks Bluey onto the floor. Stephanie cuts Bluey's ankle, and blood starts to drip out onto the floor. Judo sneaks up behind Stephanie and punches her in the mouth. She almost drops her weapon but tightens her grip on it and tries to attack Judo
"Are you okay, Bluey!" Indy screams as she watches the fight unfold. "Y-Yes...I-I'm fine! Go help, Judo!" She shouts as she tends to her wound.

Indy runs up to Stephanie and pulls on her hood, almost choking her. Stephanie slashes at her hand. She makes a deep cut in her palm. Indy punches her in the face, and Stephanie falls to the ground and drops her blood covered knife. Indy tries to grab it, but before she could she gets slashed in the arm. Indy falls to the ground in pain. There is blood everywhere, staining the bathroom floor. Stephanie picks herself up and tires to attack Judo. Judo kicks her in the stomach, Stephanie cuts her in the foot. Stephanie then looks at what she's done and tries to leave. Judo grabs onto her arm, Stephanie lets go of her knife and escapes out of the room, leaving the scene behind. Judo stands there with a knife in her hands, blood was trickling onto her fur, making her fur a pinkish color. They leave the room and limp their way towards the nurse.

The nurse examines their cuts. "Tell me how this happened" She requests. "We got attacked in the bathroom!" Bluey answered. "What!? By who!?" The nurse  shouts in disbelief."It was Stephanie! She had a butter knife!" Indy adds. "Judo shows her the weapon covered in their blood. The nurses eyes grow wide. "I'll be right back" She tells the girls. She walks over to the phone and calls the main office.

"Can Stephanie Inu come to the office, Stephanie Inu come to the office"

Stephanie hears this on the intercom as she walks her way to class, acting like nothing happened. "Those Bitches told on me!.....oh their dead..." she shamefully makes her way to the principal's office.

Stephanie opens up the door and sees Ms. Terrier sitting at her desk. She sits down in front of her and waits for her to say something. "Stephanie, the nurse tells me you attacked Bluey, Indy and Judo in the bathroom. Is this true?" Ms. Terrier says sternly. "Well, uh... it's not!" Stephanie lies. "Stephanie, then what is this?" Ms. Terrier opens up a drawer and takes out the knife she used. "I...it was self-defense!" Stephanie screams. "Don't lie to me! You should know that there are no weapons of any sorts in this school! Whether it's self-defense or not!" Ms. Terrier yells, she slams her hand onto the desk. Stephanie just stares at her. "Stephanie, you have a two week suspension! You're being sent home" the principal explains as she gets up and walks towards the phone.

Her parents arrive, and Stephanie slowly walks towards the exit of the school and gets into her parents' car, her parents don't sat a word, they don't even make eye contact with her. Stephanie stares out the winodw, scared punishment she'll get.

"Alright your all bandaged up. I'm going to call your parents and send you home to rest" the nurse says with a smile. They all leave the room and get to their lockers and classes to grab their belongings. Indy and Judo walk into English. "What happened!?" Pretzel shouts, interrupting the class. "It's a long story! I'll text you later about it!" Indy says as she leaves the room.

The group all gets home safely. All their phones get a notification. It's a text from the group chat that they created in fifth grade.

Bluey: Ok, lemme tell ya guys the story of what happened in the bathroom.

Mackenzie: what story?

Rusty: what story .-.

Bluey: I'm telling you.

Bluey: so basically Judo went to the bathroom and when me and Indy walked in she was abt to get stabbed by Stephanie. So we fought and she slices us up. So we went to teh nurse and I thinks Stephanie got suspended.

Rusty: Wow.

Jack: are you guys ok...?

Judo: Yeah we're fine.

Indy: were ok, the nurse bandaged us up.

Pretzel: so do you think Stephanie will mess with you again.

Jack: I hope not...

Judo: I hope she doesn't cuz if that asshole ever touches me again she'll be a goner

Mackenzie: well I'm just glad you guys are ok.

Pretzel: me to

Indy: well I'll cya guys next week!

Jack: cya

Bluey: byeeeee

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