Chapter two

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The coal mines have collapsed, unbenounced to why they did. I ran around asking everyone I saw for information. Eri is inside.
"Damn it...." It's closed, the way in is closed by large fallen boulders and I don't know if I can move all of it. I try to, clearly not doing a good job. I could only move one or too long before some of the gaurds grabbed at me and placed TNT to blow it open. I can smell so many different things and I hate it, rotten fruit was the strongest. So many distressed omegas it hurts my nose.
"Let me go!" I pull myself away and look around at some of the other women. They sob so loudly, it hurts my ears. It took so long for the way to open, but once it was everyone rushed out.
"Eri! Where are you!" I yell as loudly as I can.
"Deku-" She coughs. I scoop her up in my arms.
"You're ok?" I whisper and she trembles in my arms.
"Yes." She coughs and nods."
"What happened...?" Tears well in my eyes and I hold Eri close, I normally never cry.
"S-someone I've never seen before-" She cut off my men screaming and gunfire. 'Get them!' One yells. 'It's Doran! Run!' Another yells. I Hold Eri and call the women to follow me. I also grabbed Nana in my other arm when I saw her limping her way around. We ran into the half cut down forest, a path that I made myself to get to the wall. The yelling only gets worse, women are tripping and nothings going right. You hear a dragon's roar in the sky, a sign that it's the empire of Doran.
"Stop! Omegas!" I growl and set down Eri and Nana at the wall.
"All of you take the wall down to the gate, go north and run." I tell them.
"But Deku, what about you?"
"You know me, I'll be fine." I kiss Eri's cheek and Nana takes her hand.
"Now go!" They run quickly. I turn around and gave the man.
"Ugh- hey I'm trying to help you omegas!"
"Don't start." I growl, the man is around 6'0 and red. His eyes and hair matched in a blood like way. He was clearly an Alpha but I couldn't smell malice on him.
"Listen- what's your name, I don't wanna keep calling you omega." He catches his breath.
"Why would an alpha what to know?"
"I'm kirishima and you?" I laugh.
"Are your from Doran?"
"Yes, right hand to the prince."
"Why tell me this?"
"Why not!" He smiles showing off his sharp teeth.
"I'm Deku..."
"Lovely to meet you Deku." I cringe and nod.
"I'm here to help you all, well me and my men of course but-"
"I get it." He nods and walks up to me. He lifts his arm and I flinch picking him up and flipping him over my head, slamming him to the ground. He groans and I lock his head between my legs.
"Don't touch. Move and I'll snap your neck."
"Fine, my bad." He puts his head up in defeat and I let him go and back away. Why do I sense no anger or attraction on him?
"To the gate! Your friends should be up there with everyone!" He pats the dust off himself and begins to walk. I follow a ways behind, trying to read him. One we got to the gate everyone was there, the base was burned to the ground too.
"Deku!" Eri and Nana called, and they had new shoes and blankets around them. Nana was holding onto Eri in her arms and I kissed their cheeks.
"I'm so glad you're ok!" Nana smiles. She looks the red man up and down and looks at me.
"He's Kirishima, a Doranian."
"Nice to meet you two!" Kirishima smiles.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Nana and this is Eri." Eri nods to him and hides into the old women's neck.
"Tell me what's going on." I ask Nana, who seems to be in a clear mind right now but Kirishima bursts in.
"We're going to Doran!" He smiles.
704 words and happy reading!!

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