Part ten

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"Why...?" I turn around slowly and look at Kirishima.
"I mean- um... ok so I've been courting you, you know? And-!"
"What?! I didn't know that! I don't know a lot of shit!!" I yell, so frustrated that I let him do this under my nose.
"You didn't know? I gave you my clothes, scented you, held your hand-!" He continued pointing out all of the things we've done, that I thought friends do but was clearly wrong.
"Hold on Kirishima." I hold my hand up to stop him. I sigh and rub my temples.
"No more kiri...?" He said sadly.
"No, now I'll say this once, I don't want to rush this, I don't really want to be courted." I sigh and sit on my bed, he sits in front of me on the ground.
"Why not? We fit so well together.... I think so at least!"
"Look I'm not looking for a relationship right now! I'm not stable. I don't know a lot of things I should, I would be bad mate Kirishima." I look at him, he seemed so hurt but he kept his voice stable.
"Then we'll learn together! Please... I really like you..." I couldn't help but hug him as he cried. I care for him deeply but not romantically. He pulled me into his lap and held me tightly, it didn't hurt but I could feel his nails dig into my back as he was so desperate to keep me there. His face was in my neck, and for the first time, in a long time I let my pheromones out. I haven't smelt them in so long I was scared he wouldn't like them.
"Rain.... And mint... lavender too..." Kirishima mumbles and sighs, finally relaxing his hold on me, I could smell, pine wood and rosemary, beer to but it was soft. Oh and after I told him no, here I am scenting him and him scenting me, fuck.
"You like it...?"
"Yeah, you smell really good..." I tilt my head to the side as he nuzzles my neck more, the whole room smelt like us now. I hated how I couldn't say no more. I'm a horrible person.
"Yes...?" We spoke in whispers.
"You smell a little like Katsuki..."
"Oh... we hugged earlier..." he tightened his grip on my waist but didn't say anything. "I'm sorry... if I had known what was happening I wouldn't have let it get this far kiri..."
"Call me Ejiro please..." he whispered softly to me, it sent a shiver down my spine, this really isn't good.
"Okay..." I pull away, I can't do this anymore, something feels off.
"Why did you pull away..?"
"Like I said before I don't- I'm sorry.... Please leave..."
"Okay... I'll check on you tomorrow..." he ran his fingers through my hair before he got up and left. I quickly hid in my nest, rearranging it completely, moving it to my closet, making it look like Mina's, stable and nice. Which it's a good thing I'm a quick and visual learner. I undressed and grabbed Kacchans cape and got into my now much more comfortable nest and closed my closet door. It was dark, and warm and safe... why did I grab Kacchans cape? He smells like a candied apple... I like that... Eri would like candied apples... maybe Eri would like Kacchan to? What, if what Kacchans also courting me! Is that why they fought? Why do I feel warm? I touch my face, it was warm. Am I blushing? What's happening?! But why am I okay with Kacchans scent...?
"Deku!" Denki knocked on my closet door. "Buddy your scent is really distressed wants wrong?"
"How can you smell it!" I ask frustrated. I don't move to open the closet door but neither did Denki.
"We're room neighbors so... why's it smell like Kirishima? Are you to a thing? I thought you and the prince were-."
"Shut up!!" I open the closet door and stare a now quiet denki in the eyes. "I don't know ok! Kirishima was apparently courting me! That all I know!"
"They why do you have the princes cape and not Kirishimas things?" He questioned.
"It smells like candies apple and I like them so I grabbed it..."
"Do you like it more then Kirishimas scent?"
"... yes but I don't like Kacchans personality."
"You like Kirishimas personality?"
"Yes." Oh, he's helping me sort out what I'm thinking, I move a bit and pat a spot next to me in the nest. He nods get in and we close the closet again. I lean on his shoulder.
"Didn't you say you wanted a family?"
"Then... which you you rather see father your kids?" I flinch and blush, what is with all the crazy questions?!


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