Part seven

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We had landed in an area that seemed to be a nesting ground, baby dragons were yelling and stomping around proudly and I couldn't help but laugh.
"This is where the young stay, so today we're just gonna clean up and play with them!"
"There the size of us! How could we play with them?"
"Uh- well I guess for you it may be harder- but you're strong so it's fine!"
"What do you mean by that-!" I was surprised because I was tackled by one of the baby's, it chewed on my arm, which would have been a problem but it didn't have teeth so it's fine.
"Like that!" Kirishima laughs loudly as he picks up one of the dragons and places it on his shoulder, like they were playing a game. I push the one on me off and tap its head lightly, it whines and bites my hand.
"Do they always bite?"
"Yeah, it's there way of showing affection."
"How do you know so much?" I chuckle and pet the dragon that now flopped in my lap, though he didn't fit in it well.
"Well I'm a half breed," he shrugged and placed the dragon he was holding down. "So I would know a lot."
"Half breed? What's that?"
"I'm half dragon! I can't transform like my kind used to do but we have similar tendencies and can communicate. Shinu over there is like a mom to me." I smile and nod.
"That sound nice..." Kirishima sat down next to me and took the dragon from my lap.
"It is, that's how me and Bakubro met actually."
"Really? That sounds like it be a god story." He chuckles.
"Yeah, I we were four and he wondered into Shinus territory. She thought he was like me so she brought him back," he laughs, "he was so scared and confused but we saw each other and everything ended up alright."
"You to seem like good friends..." I smile at him.
"Yeah! We're are! He's my best friend, I'd say that at least."
"I'm sure he thinks the same way!" I continue smiling.
"I'd hope so but he seems- ah- never mind!"
"Um... okay?" I chuckle, confused but I don't wanna push it so I don't ask. After a few hours of playing, which was me being tackled, and cleaning we head back out of the tower and walk towards the main castle. 
"Oi, shitty hair and freckles!"
"Kacchan? Back already?" I raise an eyebrow and look at his annoyed face.
"Yeah yeah, was gonna train with hair for brains and your still with him." He grabbed my hand and started to drag me to the knights training court, Kirishima didn't look happy about this. 
"Kiri- help-!" I pull against Kacchans hand as Kirishima helps break me free of the blonds grasp.
"Don't grab people like that."
"The hell? You do it to him so why can't it?" He glared. I took a step back, their pheromones were strong and it hurt my head. It's true Kirishima and I are "touchy" but it's solely friendship wise, nothing intimate. 
"I don't drag him, and we're good friends! You hardly know him!"
"Don't yell at me! I know him enough! Plus how the hell do you know anything about him?! All you talk about is yourself!" Kacchan yells.
"That's not true! Right Deku-!" They both look at me. I was shaking, involuntarily, because of the phenomenons they were releasing.
"U-um... I don't know..." I look down, I hate feeling so small.
"What do you mean you don't know?!" Kacchan tells.
"Don't yell at him!"
"You just did!!"
"Stop it!!" I scream and cover my nose, "I don't care! Both of you don't know anything about me! I don't want to be touched in anyway by either of you!!" I keep looking down, neither of them said anything but Kirishimas scent was sad and Kacchans only got more mad before he stormed off.
"Sorry Deku- I-."
"I'm going to my room... bye Kirishima..." I turn around and walk away quickly. I rush to get to my room, to get away from them. They are so scary when mad.
"Deku-?" I look over my shoulder and see Mina and Ochaco.
"Oh- h-hey!"
"You don't look so good..." Mina says.
"I smell Kirishima and the prince but there not happy scents..." Ochaco speaks up.
"T-they were fighting s-so-..."
"Aw honey... come here let's go to my room and eat the sweets I still from the kitchen." Mina holds my arm and Ochaco smiles at me. I nod and follow them, enjoying their scents, there not angry scents.


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