Chapter one

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It's stiff and cold, everything creaks and cries for repair. Sleep is uncommon, waiting for the eerie sound of a gun is comforting in the silence. The sun reaches its cold hands through the windows and doorways, holding your hand as you wake to a loud bang. The room comes alive, voices all mixed together as yawns and sobs. Some welcome the morning with smiles, others just nod, acknowledging you just enough to not seem rude. The floors are hard and withered, the bed frames rusted, the hay beds flat and ruff on the skin. The clothes feel sweet compared to the beds. The shoes are lined, calling to be worn. The door frame rots as you walk through it. The line of omegas and young beta women is long as they get minimal food of soup and bread, which luckily is warm and bitter. Grab a plate and hand it off to the others who need it, such as the pregnant and young.
"Deku." An old voice calls. I look and nod my head in respect to the one we call Nana, the mother to most of us, after all we don't all know our own parents.
"Deku, eat your food." Nana sighs out.
"Nana you're too kind, I'll be alright." I respond quickly, twisting my body to leave. The ground is muddy and soft, leaving prints of my strides behind me. I walk a short while along the crumbling stone wall, my hand runs over the cold, old stone. I nod to the guard and he smiles.
"One day, boy!" He called to me as I avoided his hand before it reached my waist. I look at the list of duties. I have wood work, Nana has the factory and Eri has coal mining, why do they give the younger ones harder things? I grab an ax off the wall to set off as the sun finally breaks the sky fully. I see the men, always pointing and laughing. An occasional whistle or name calling from the older few. Ignoring it is always more satisfying. I walked past the old cut down trees, my boots now covered in mud and my tracks becoming more messy.After a long walk I found a tree and swung. The sound echoes on deaf ears, the crumbling and falling of a grand evergreen tree. The thud of the tree makes me scowl, wishing it could withstand more. The next tree falls, then the next, the sounds of many of us working to ruin the land. Once it is mid day I lay the cut wood down onto a sled and carry it away.
"Deku's so strong for an omega...!"
"Well it's no wonder no one buys him, he's covered in scars and muscles."
"He almost looks like an Alpha, just short!" The girls laugh. I grunt and keep pulling. About 30 minutes later I make it back to base and unload the wood where I need to. I grab a sandwich and go to the factory, not a long walk but it felt slower than normal today, like something was wrong.
"I'll help nana." I sit next to the old withering women.
"I'm such a hard working young man!" She coo's to me and pats my head lovingly. I lean into the touch, knowing that this is the only time I can satisfy my instincts for the day besides when me and Momo hang out but we hardly see each others because she lives in a different store house.
"My Deku..."
"Yes, nana?" I responded by sowing a pair of shoes.
"You are strong my baby, now run ok?"
"Where to Nana?" She often tells me such things, her old age affecting her mind.
"To freedom." I look at her before a large 'boom' can be heard and the sound and screams surround me.

612 words. Hope you like it!! Love y'all!!

Ps... the story is kinda long but as you go on it gets better! Writing Bakugou in a romantic way is very hard because of his anger so bear with me lol

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