Chapter four

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"The hell you mean no?!" Kacchan screamed.
"No, I don't want to. I want to stay with Nana and Eri."
"Who the hell are they?!"
"Great they'll stay too." I squint my eyes and glare at him, we're arguing over nothing, just take no for an answer.
"Why do you even what me here?"
"Your a strong omega..." his eyes are lidded with enjoyment. "I want to see how far until I break you."
"That won't happen." I scoff, who does this prince think he is, I've lived in enslavement for all my life and he thinks he can break me?
"Yeah yeah, alien will show you your room Deku." I groan.
"I said no-"
"Oh, and keep calling me Kacchan." I grunt and glare at the asshole blonde before a bubble and very loud girl enters the room, was she waiting? Maybe. She has pink pixie cut hair and yellow eyes, black where white should be, no wonder Kacchan calls her alien. She smiles and holds my hand, her sweet sent of honey and rose.
"Baku~ I'm gonna take him to his room~!"
"Yeah yeah." We leave quickly passing though hall after hall and I was tired and hungry at this point.
"We're here~!" She yells and I grunt in approval, just wanting to sleep and see my family. It was a long hall, red carpet like all the other halls but doors are evenly spaced with names in them.
"I'm Mina, you?"
"Sure thing! You'll stay here, bathrooms at end of the hall, I'm meeting Ejiro so I'm off!"
"Hey wait-." And she's gone, I open the door to a simple square room, a bed and a closet full of uniforms and extra things I would need, like self care stuff. I grab the basket full of soaps and other things and walk to the bathroom.
"Hey you!"
"Yes?" I turn and see a pink checked girl. She had brown short hair and brown eyes. I wasn't in a mood to talk but she seemed different.
"You new?"
"I'm ochaco!"
"Deku." She smelt like chocolate, so I made sure to walk slow. That's what was different, I miss chocolate.
"Your an omega?" She asked, it sounded like she was sad about it.
"Yes, why even ask?" I half joke, understandably I don't look like one, I am muscular and covered in scars but I do have a feminine face and hips.
"Your attractive!" she pouts and I laugh.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you ochaco."
"No no it's fine~ I just like cute boys but alphas are never cute like you~," we stop at the bathroom door, "I'll leave you be, see you tomorrow?" She asked.
"I'd like that yes." I smile and she runs off excitedly to some other girls. She was flirty, but also so shy you wouldn't guess it. But she never made eye contact and was blushing the whole time. I watches how she interacted with the girls and a boy I just noticed. It seemed like she was dared to be flirty. I smile and nod at them, entering the bathroom. It was warm and clean, I quickly strip and make eye contact with myself in the mirror, looking over my body. I don't find myself gross or anything but some days I wish I was more omega like. Then maybe I would be wanted? No no I don't need an alpha. I run my hand over my scared but toned chest and stomach before getting into the warm water.

I forgot to grab new clothes, I was drying off and just decided to walk to my room in the towel, I don't mind but once I opened the bathroom door I see a set off new boots, gray pants and gloves, a off white long sleeve shirt and a green vest that matches my eyes. On top is a note that say for deku in the most sloppy but neat hand writing I've ever seen. I look around and out the clothes on. They fit perfect and where soft and warm. I smile and walk to my room. When I open the door that now has a gold engraved sign of my name on it, I'm hit with the sent of rum and green apples. I blush.
"W-who's sent is this...?"
"Mine." Say a deep voice in my ear.


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