Chalter six

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The sun rose softly, peaking into the small window of my warm room. I rise from my nest and rub my eyes, holding Kacchans cape close,
"When did I grab you...?" I questioned aloud to myself. I get up from the now poorly made nest and changed into the uniform that was inside the wardrobe. The brick left cold to my feet and made me rush to clothe myself full. I heard a knock on the door before I could finish.
"Come in."
"Hey Deku I- oh..." I look to see Kirishima, red faced and smiling dumbly.
"Yes?" I put on a pair of loose black cotton pants, they just so happened to hug my thighs and butt, of course.
"Oh um, I came to get you because we're working together!"
"Really? What will we be doing?" I remove his shirt and put on a white button up and place the red and gold uniform vest on.
"Dragon keeping, feeding, cleaning and training!"
"That sounds interesting!" I smile at him and he quickly smiles back.
"If you'd like I can give you more of my shirts..."
"It's alright thank you." I put my shoes on and stand.
"If you say so... oh that's Bakubros cape..,?" I look over to my nest.
"Oh, Kacchan came to visit, my room doesn't smell much like him anymore but he did scent it. I slept with my window open." I said walking up to him to jester its time to go.
"Did he?" He sounded upset and blankly left the room with me.
"That's what I just said, yes." He seemed saddened. Yet I'll brush off the idea for now. "So where we headed?" I hold is arm, to small to reach his shoulder. He smiles and moves to hold my hand, something I was used to him doing. He was always a very physical person, especially when he's walking and talking. Or if it's late night rants. Kirishima lead the way as he held my hand tightly, we went outside, past training areas that were beautiful, lush gardens, stables then finally a very large building with very small doors.
"We're here!" He leg go of my hand and opened the doors having to lean over to enter them. I didn't have to lean as much but still had to move my head. The inside was magnificent. Like a whole new world. Trees covered to walls, the wood red and leaves brightly shining green, it had vines that would hang down, thick enough to climb. Green grass covered the floor grandly as what seemed to mountains reached from underneath it the roof of the building, there was no sky but a bright was shining like the sun.
"Like it?"
"Very much yes... how is this possible...?"
"Magic! Well more like science with magical things as the spell."
"That didn't make sense."
"Sorry..." he pouted but quickly smiled when we heard the loud sound of wings. "Look who's here!" A large red dragon landed before us, I moved behind Kirishima as he smiled widely.
"Hello beautiful!" He complemented the beast and it laid infront of us. I felt a hand on my back and grabbed Kirishima.
"Clam down freckles it's me." Kacchan huffed.
"Oh Kacchan, what are you doing here?"
"Saying hi it my lovely lady." He walks to the dragon and pats its nose.
"Stealing my thunder now Bakubro."
"Maybe, you two seem close." He jesters to me and Kirishima, whom I was still holding onto. I quickly let go.
"No no no, he's a friend." Why did I even need to deny this to Kacchan, I looked at Kirishima and he nodded but seemed sad.
"That's good to know." Kacchan grinned and walked up to me, I stood my ground but looked at Kirishima for help, he nodded and walked to the dragon instead.
"You could make constellations on those freckles." He touched my cheek and I pushed his hand away.
"I'd rather you not touch me."
"But Shitty hair does?!"
"Kirishima doesn't touch my face! And he's nice..." Kacchan scrunched his nose and glared at me.
"Smell like him too..." he walked off after that, I smell my shirt and realize I do smell like Kirishima, I'll have to talk to him about it. Maybe he scented me, without my notice?
"Over here deku! Well ride her to where we need to be!"
"Ah- right." I jog to Kirishima and he helps me on the dragons back.
"Her name is Shinu, Bakugou wanted her to have a scary name so that's why he picked! She's the best dragon around! Oh and the biggest! Even though she's a female. Did you know dragons also have second genders? Deku-? Deku!!"
"What-?" I look at him.
"Are you listening?" He goes to grab my hand but I pull it away.
"I think we've gotten to touchy, it's making me uncomfortable..."
"Oh- sorry man... I'll give you some space." He pauses and turns around but I can tell he's upset, I can smell it. I feel bad, I hurt him and everything in me wants to take it back but I just don't see him like that.
"I was listening if you want to continue...?"
"Hm-? Sure... anyways dragons-!" And he talked the rest of the flight.


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