Part fifteen

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The fuck am I supposed to do now? Fight a chick i've never met for a neckless? Why does it even matter to me?

"Why does the neckless matter so much anyway?" I huff and lean back in my chair, annoyed. The wind soft and the smell of roses promenet when you drown away the coffee.

"Thats-" He pauses so I properly look at the elder. "The neckless has a special meaning to this kingdom. I was made for the sword All Might, the one he used to win the war against all for one and create this Empire. It has his power embedded in it, and symbolizes power itself. Who ever has it has authority. But also love." 

"Love?" I brush the hair from my eyes to truly look at Elder Aizawa. He smells of Coffee and ash...and whiskey.

"I'm surprised the Prince never told you any of this. But I can't blame him he probably doesn't want to burden you." Right... Kacchan hasn't told me ANYTHING, and I'm supposed to marry him and become the next queen. Why is that?

"Is that all?" I stand, frustrated.

"Ah, I guess. Talk to the Prince about this will you?"

"Yeah, yeah I can do that..." I showed myself out, this time walking down the hall slower than before. Taking time to actually look at the portraits. They were all gorgeous. None of the queens has scars. None of the queens had worry, none of them had sadness. They embodied femininity, even the men. That doesn't look like me. I'm covered in scars, and ridden with worry, I'm sad and scared and dumb and broken. And Kacchan never told me anything. Why? Is it because he didn't want to worry me? Or because he didn't want to hurt me? Or because he thought it wouldn't understand? Or was he going to marry this girl with the neckless and make me a concubine? What if he doesn't love me?


The wind blows softly, my hair covering my eyes in the process. The arena is roaring with cheers of the people, all races, genders and colors and it looks to go on for miles. The building being as high as the castel back home. It was made of sand stone and decorated with rich purple and silver flags. It was old but sturdy. The atmosphere is dark and bloody, maybe because dried blood covers the walls and dirt floor below me. The skeletons and weapons and armor that litters the floor. But a young women, my age stands before me. The neckless I NEED around her neck. Her yellow eyes full of glee and deadly. Blond hair messy and sycotic. Elegant torn dress, covered in broken jewels, just like her. 

"Deku~" She calles sweetly, "Its really to sad, you're too pretty to die~!" She giggles and steps into the harsh sunlight and the crowd cheers louder. I follow suit. "I truly wish you gave up, being a slave and all, you think the camps would have taught you a thing or two? well... I hope you die painlessly!" And she charges at me, her bare feet leaving prints in the sand.


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