Part eight

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I followed them to Mina's room. It was exactly like mine but had her own things in it. She didn't have a nest like I do.
"Mina, where's your nest?" I ask shyly.
"Oh, it's in my closet! It makes it nice and dark and safe, especially with heats!" Mina smiles happily and opens the closet with a neat nest inside.
"That's so smart! Mines on my bed" Ochaco chimed in.
"What about you Deku-Chan?" I peek curiously at me.
"Oh... it's at the end of my bed... it's not as nice as yours though..."
"Did your mom not teach you?" Ochaco asked.
"I was in the camp since birth I think... never build a nest or any other omega like thing before." I smiled awkwardly.
"WHAT!!??" Mina yells, though it wasn't mean. "Honey I'm gonna teach you everything! I'll be like your mom!" Not that she already isn't. 
"I'll help to!" Ochaco smiled widely.
"We can ask Denki to talk to you about male omega things to!" Mina said to Ochaco, Ochaco nodded.
"O-okay..." I smile, someone was finally gonna teach me something I actually wanted to know!
"Where to start~!" Mina sighs and pulls out some stuff to set on her bed, mostly snacks.
"I'll get Denki!" Ochaco stands up and Mina nod and waves her out.
"Deku." Mina looks a me seriously.
"Have you ever had a heat?"
"Do you know what a heat is...?" She seemed surprised and worried.
"Yes, many women at camp had them... why?"
"It's just not healthy for someone like you to not have ever had a heat!"
"Why?" I ask confused.
"It's an omegas body's way of cycling its body and mind!"
"What does that even mean?" I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, lost.
"Well, you can't have kids without having heat. But it's our way of letting out all of our stress! Just in a sexual way...? It also helps us find lovers so-!" She kept rambling but I was still stuck on the fact that I've never had a heat, so that mean I can never have kids... I'm already on the older side to be married but I still really want kids of my own. Even if it was just instinct, I still wanted to care for my own kin and now that's not gonna happen?
"And oh- deku?" Mina grabbed my arms and I looked up to see her face full of worry.
"We're back!! Oh-! Deku-Chan?!" Ochaco ran up to me, and hugged me, why?
"Deku, why are you crying...?" A blond boy asked, well more like yellow. He had a black bolt streak through his hair and he sat near me. He smelt like the sun. I leaned close to him and just cried. Whats wrong with me?
"I-Im sorry-." He rubs my back softly and looks at the girls.
"What happened Mina?" Ochaco asked. And Mina explained. We didn't do anything until I calmed down though.
"In Denki Kaminari... and you?"
"D-deku... thanks again..."
"You're all good, this is my job!" Even his smile was like the sun. "I'm not to smart or anything but I'm good at making people feel better!"
"Denki is like a therapist." Mina giggles and I smile and nod.
"So what happened Deku...?" Ochaco asked softly.
"I-I wanna have kids..." I mumble into the blanket that was given to me while I was crying.
"Oh-..." Mina looked a bit guilty. "I'm sure you can have kids! Your heat's just really late!" She smiles worriedly.
"What Mina said and if it's any better we can go to recovery girl!" Denki chimed in happily and Ochaco rubbed my back. I nodded.
"O-okay... let's do that then..."
"Mhm!" Denki held my right hand and Mina the other, Ochaco was leading the way and talking, it helped that she smelled like chocolate, I love chocolate.
"Freckles... you good?" I flinch and look at Kacchan.
"Look- ugh- I'm sorry for getting mad earlier you didn't do anything wrong..." he looked at me, worry written on his face and I smile, feeling a bit fuzzy... I think it's because I was crying.
"It's okay..." I let go of Mina and Denkis hand and go to give Kacchans a squeeze. "I didn't cry because of you, don't worry." I smile at him, feeling kind of warm inside, like this voice in my head was saying to comfort him and because I did it was tell me I did good.
"Can I hug you?" Kacchan asked softly. I nodded after thinking about it. The second I said yes his big arms wrapped around my body and held me close, his head buried in my neck as he takes a deep breath and relaxes. I try to wrap my arms around his waist but he was to big so I opted to his neck. We stayed like that for awhile. He smelled really good now too, like sweet carmel candied green apples with a hint of rum. It smelt so good compared to when it was smoke and rum when he was mad. After I relaxed a little too much I pulled away.
"W-we're going to recovery girl if you wanna join?" I ask as I take a step back.
"Yeah sure-"
"He can't come with us!" I turn around and see Mina yell this loudly.


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