Part twelve

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"What's this word?"
"That's legend, the sentence says 'he held the weapon of legend'" Kacchan said. I was sitting in his lap as we were on a reading date.
"Oh! So then almight is the hero from the legends?"
"Yes, the first king of Dorian."
"He's so cool...!"
"Mhm..." Kacchan places his head in my scent glands and held my waist, why do I let them do this? I've gone soft damn it.
"You smell nice..." he mumbles into my neck.
"So do you! Like a candied apple and rum. I like it a lot!" I push him from my neck, "what's this say?"
"Ugh- it says yield." He grumbles and goes back to my neck.
"Kacchan I can't read unless you teach me! So stop it!"
"But you smell nice, and gets rid of shitty hairs scent!" He wasn't to loud, but it was a whisper yell.
"Okay okay I get it!"
"But you and I are on a date! Why the hell is shitty hairs scent on you!"
"Kacchan..." I turn around awkwardly and look at him. "I don't know ok?"
"You should know this, me or him?"
"You have no right to ask me that..." I look down, I guess I should pick one... I've just been bad and messing with them both huh?
"Ugh- don't be sad damn nerd! You smell like a thunderstorm." He hugs me quickly.
"I think I need time... I've only known you for half a month."
"Fine..." he goes back to my scent gland. Damn dog... I chuckle and pat his head.
"Let's have more reading dates? But actually teaching me to read, not just scenting?"
"Fine..." this man just bit my ear!
"Hey!! Don't do that!" I cover my ear and blush.
"Just practicing~"
"You-!" He laughs loudly and hugs me close to his chest.
"Sorry sorry." He says with a sarcastic tone.
"Let go you dog-!"
"I am no dog-! You-!"
"Wah-!" I may I have started taking the medicine but it's only been a week, I haven't lost any muscle! So when Kacchan tried to tackle me I held my ground.
"The fuck?! You can put up a fight?!"
"Yes- ugh- I can!" And with that I pinned him down for the win.
"Am I interrupting something..." a broken voice asked.
"Eh-?" I turn and see Ejiro. "Ejiro! No no!" I got off of Kacchan and pat his head in apology before running up to Ejiro. He pulled me into a hug though.
"Hey, let me go!" I struggle in the hold.
"Oi, shitty hair, your ruining our date."
"You're on a date with him Izuku...?"
"yes! We talked about this! Let me go!" He did thankfully.
"I know, I just don't like it..." Kacchan patted his thigh so I walked back over and sat in his lap.
"We're reading about Almight!" I show Kirishima the book kacchan was reading to me and Ejiro sat down next to us.
"That's a hard book for  beginner..."
"He's fine, go away shifty hair."
"I'm comfortable thanks." They not yell anymore but fight a lot, it's been a little more than 2 weeks in the palace. I talked to Ejiro and Kacchan about what I was feeling and they were nice about it. Kacchan was a bit mad but when is he not? It kinda when like this:

"Ejiro... we gotta talk?"
"About?" I was in his lap, like before, when he first confessed to me.
"Denki told me about going on dates, to get to know each other."
"Are you asking me on a date?" He grinned.
"no, i just- Kacchan"
"What about him?" He pouted and hid his face again.
"Look... I like you but only as a friend... I feel horrible about leading you on but its time to stop... I like Kacchan... I'm sorry Ejiro."

"Ah..." He put me on my bed and moved away, "This was inevitable huh?"

"Im sorry..." I look down at my lap, to scared to look at him.

"Its okay Izuku, but um... I'm gonna go now..."

"O-okay.... Sorry again..." And Kirishima left...

"Kacchan, you can't kill him!"
"Why not?! Then you can't choose him over me!"
"It doesn't work like that you dog-!! And I Didn't choose him!"
"I'll make it work like that!!" I was pulling at Kacchans shirt, being dragged as he went to find Ejiro.
"Kacchan!! Please!!"

So yeah maybe it was a bit of a mess but it's okay now! Ejiro and I really did fully talk it out about being friends so any physical contact is just friendly. 


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