Part fourteen

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"And you are?"

"Elder Aizawa... You are Prince Katsuki's bride yes?" He seemed to not actually know who I am, though I can't blame him. I didn't know who he was either.

"Who's asking? and Bride? hell no, I'll be going by husband or spouse." Do I seriously get docked as a chick because I'm an omega? They hell to those rules, I'm a man who just so happens to be able to have kids. I was told it was a gift to us in the old days to those who loved the same gender could truly to whole with them. 

"I'm asking, kid."

"I'm not a kid."

"I apologize," He sighs and rubs his temples. He was talk and tired with a unkept half beard and long messy black hair. "I wish to speak to Katsuki's partner, about marriage."

"Well, your talking to them..." I hesitate to say anything else, its there fault Kacchan is so stressed the past few months.

"Lets talk in my office then..."

"Deku, I go by Deku."

"Right, follow me then." He walked off down halls I've never seen, all with paintings of old kings and queens... none of them were same sex, I wonder why? After the walk I enter in a large open space. A messy desk with coffee cups everywhere as well. He leads me to a clean talk on the balcony of the room. "Coffee?"

"No thank you..." I smile awkwardly, I don't feel threatened but and nervous for some reason... his eyes seem dangerous but to tired to actually try anything.

"Well then Deku, I'll get into this quickly. As you could see as we walked to my office, all the portraits of the past kings and queens-"

"And how there straight? Yeah I'm not leaving Kacchan just because I so happen to have a dick."

"I-" He bursts out into laughter "God kid! No! Your gender doesn't matter at all! What I wanted you to notice was the queens."

"What about them?" I try to recall what the women looked liked.

"The most resent queen is a man, kid." 


"i can read your face."

"Oh..." I blush from embarrassment and look off the balcony, it faced the west forest. Then it clicked. "OH! The jewelry!"

"Yes, the collar they all where is the same."

"So it's a family heirloom?"

"You could say, It's more like an engagement ring for this family. We have an issue though Deku."


"Before Katsuki met you, he was betrothed to Toga. An omega from the land of Saffron. SHe has the neckless."

"So? we just take it back?" Why tell me this? I don't really care about necklaces or kingdoms. I just like Kacchan.

"She won't give it back, claiming only she is worthy to marry the prince. You must take it by force."

"I have to? why?"

"She challenged you, deku, to a omegan duel."

"A what?"


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