Part nine

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"H-huh? Why not?" I ask Mina confused, she pulls my arm and Ochaco and Denki form a little circle with me.
"We're there to talk about your heat! You would only bring an alpha if they are your mate!" Mina whispered yelled at me.
"Really? I'm sorry! I didn't know..." I smile guilt written all over my face.
"Don't worry, it's ok!" Denki pats my back.
"You can't come your highness so we will take our leave! Good day!" Ochaco yells and we rush out leaving a very confused Kacchan. The halls were all the same, one had a portrait of Kacchans mom and dad I think, they were beautiful people, Kacchan looks like his mom.
"We're here!" Mina yells and opens old wooden doors, it was a small office space, full to the brim with herbs and three beds.
"Ah, hello Mina!" An old women smiles "Momo come here please, we have guests!" She calls and a tall women comes out, she had black eyes and black long pretty hair up in a ponytail.
"Hello everyone!" She smiles warmly, she smelt like minty soap, so she was a beta. "I'm Momo and you?" She asks me.
"Deku, it's a pleasure." I smile.
"Well then Deku, I'm known as Momo, have a set on that bed for me and tell me what brings you here." She smiles warmly, The old women then joins in behind Momo.
"U-um.... I've never had a heat before..." I mumble as I take a seat on the middle bed.
"I see, your the new omega from the hunters camp yes?"
"Yes ma'am" The elder women chuckles, taking over the conversation.
"Don't worry about formalities with us, call me Mrs.Chiyo." She grabs different tools that I don't recognize. "Now, is it ok if you take your shirt off?" I snaps out my thoughts and nod, removing my shirt. She looks concerned over my scarred body and traces the worst one on my abdomen.
"I'm sorry they did this to you..." Momo whispered, I smile over at her.
"It's alright, I took most of the blows for the others in camp so it's only natural..."
"Momo, go make a scar cream, extra aloe," Momo nods and does as told. "Alright son, you've never been in heat before?"
"No... is that bad?"
"No, it's expected because your body knew it wasn't safe so it wouldn't let itself be vulnerable. But I'm going to give you jay hazel medicine (not a real thing just sounded cool) to calm your body, and fix your hormonal imbalance."
"How could you tell all this stuff?" I ask.
"I'm a witch, it's my job."
"A witch...?" I gasp.
"A good one, not the ones who hurt children." She laughs, along with the others. I nod shyly and smile.
"I will warn you, your muscle tone will drop and your body will change." She adds.
"How will it change...?" I didn't want to lose what I worked so hard for...
"It will become more feminine, plus much harder to hide your scent away..." I nod. Denki rubs my back reassuringly.
"Here what you asked for." Momo hands Mrs. Chiyo two cream's.
"Put this on your scars to make them fade, and put this one on your scent glands for your heat." I nod again. "Alright off you go son!" She smiles and were rushed out.
"Let's go to my room?" Mina asked.
"I think I'm gonna go to bed... sorry."
"It's fine!" They all smile and talk as we walk. I just stay silent and think, we wave our good byes as I enter my room.
"Hey there- are you alright?" Kirishima was waiting for me in my room and rushed up to me, hugging me close.
"Hold on-!" I blush and push away.
"Ah- shit I'm sorry- I shouldn't just hug you that-!" He flushed to the color of his hair as he scrambled to apologize.
"It's ok..." I look away and walk past him, putting my stuff down.
"Look- I'm sorry-"


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