Chapter three

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Chapter Three:
Me and Nana rode in the same cart together, Eri was with the youngers, as much as I protested to the idea no one cared. The carts were covering in red pillows and blankets. They were soft and warm and comforting. I was braiding Nana's hair as she spoke to the others with in the cart us excited about seeing Doran. I was from Tron and Nana from Azule, so seeing the great empire was exciting. The ride was long and I don't feel like needed to go into detail, like you really want to know either? But when we stopped at the capital even I was in awe. It was large and busy. Many people of all races and genders combined in beautiful harmony. The buildings standing tall, made of white brick and oak wood, Doran's main wood source. Most decorative pieces were red and gold, banners and stand covers in theme. Markets were everywhere and most smelled so heavily od sweets.
"Like it Deku?" Kirishima asked me.
"I do..." I nod. I saw a candied apple stand and stared for a minute before Kirishima got the hint and bought me one. I enjoyed its taste, caramel and sour green apple, delectable really. Never had one before today but I knew I would have to make sure Eri tried it. 
"Glad to see you warming up pal!" He slaps my shoulder and walks to the gate of the castle. I nod, the traveling to get here was over a month and Kirishima taught me to use a gun and some swordsmanship as well so I enjoyed our time together, he was protective and strong. He never forced his scent onto me but when he was ranting to me about something you could smell firewood and beer. Which when not used to make you submit was nice. I even let my hair down around him enough to take a coat of his when I slept, he's the only alpha I've met that doesn't want my body and respects me as a human not a omega. Plus sparing with him is enjoyable. 
"Deku come follow me! I want you to meet someone!" He grins widely and I nod, telling Nana before following him through the gate. The gates were a dark wood and covered in gold accents of Doran history I assumed, mostly battles. But the gates were nothing to the white stone castle Kirishima called home.
"This- oh shit...!" I gasped in awe, it stood proud, and shined in humble riches. It was covered in vines and flowers, old but sturdy. It had red banners and pathways. It was also of incredible size.
"I know right! If Bakubro likes you, you can live here to deku!"
"No thanks, I'll stay with Nana and Eri."
"Oh come on~ give it a try! Maybe you'll like it." Kirishima smiles and walks into the palace. It was huge, lush green gardens surrounded the tall white stone of the large home. Red and gold littered all over, either it is flags or roses or servants uniforms. The halls are long and complicated but following Kirishima made it easier I guess. After a short walk I hear yelling through a grand, but simple door.
"That's not what I wanted for fuck sakes! You're fired get out!" I groan and furrow my brows ready to fight whatever is on the other side before a poor beta woman leaves crying her heart out.
"Bakubro you gotta be nicer."
"Nicer my ass- who the hell..." I make eye contact with a tall, blonde crazy haired man with crimson eyes that sent a shiver down my spin, this was an alpha I didn't want to mess with. But fuck that I'd mess with him any day.
"Speak up freckles, who are you?!" He yells, he has white teeth and sharp fangs. Holding eye contact was his strong suit, must be to intimidate me.
"Deku. And you?" He smirks and grunts.
"Katsuki Bakugou, shitty hair," he turned away to look at Kirishima who was now inside the room, or office. I should say, "why bring an omega here?" His tone was rude but he no longer yelled. As Kirishima spoke I walked into the room.
"He's a feisty fellow, Dekus even knocked me down the first time we met."
"Is that so, omega."
"Deku," I corrected the man. "And yes, sorry Kirishima." I smile apologetically to him.
"All good dude!" He gives me a thumbs up.
"Well Deku. I assume your from the hunters camp then?" He poked at me.
"Yes, Katsu- katsuk- ugh- baku- Kacchan- whatever." The blonde grins at my inability to say his name, the Dorian language is not my strong suit let alone names.
"Then you owe me one huh?" He leans down, I'm 5,7 and he's about 6'3 I think. I smile fakely.
"Of course Kacchan." The prince flinches and his nose scrunches as he stands tall and sits back at his desk.
"What's with the nickname, omega?" He seems annoyed.
"I couldn't pronounce your name at all." I say nonchalantly, Kirishima laughs and says
"That's a fair reason!"
"Shut up shitty hair. Leave while your at it too..." Kirishima nods and squeezes my shoulder before shutting the door. He made me feel better about talking to this man.
"So omega-"
"Shut the fuck up before I kill you. As I was saying, I can't smell shit on you? What's wrong with ya?"
"I choose to not reveal my sent."
"Why do you want to smell it?"
"That's- fine, moving on, work here."
"No thank you." He clearly seems to get mad quickly but this set him off like a firework.

716 words and happy reading!
I know it's not the best rn but if you have any tips or tricks please comment them!

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