Part eleven

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"Your crazy! How am I supposed to answer that!!" I've only known Kacchan for two days!! And sure I've know Ejiro longer but I just don't feel... romantic towards him."
"What's your definition of romantic?" Denki chuckles, oh and he says he's dumb, he's not dumb, he's a manipulative little bitch-
"like wanting to have sex?" I tilt my head to the side.
"Uh- no. That's definitely not romance babe." He laughs again.
"What is it then!" I huff and lean my head into his chest.
"It's feeling warm around someone, feeling safe, wanting to hold hands, to do little things for them! Like make them a cord to tie their hair or pick some random flowers and give it to them randomly." He pets my head.
"Sex is something more on the side of showing love to someone, you don't have do the nasty to like someone!"
"Ew don't call it that!" I laugh.
"What sex is gross! I mean, not really but still!"
"Gross!! Stop!!" I cover my ears as we laugh. Denki lightens moods, even though his methods are strange.
"Now answer the question! Who?"
"Ugh- I don't know!"
"Don't think just say it!"
"Kacchan? But I mean, they would both be good dads?"
"Ugh- who do you want to be your kids dad!"
"Stop pressuring me!!" I whine.
"Deku.... How about you go on a date with them? Instead of imagining kids?" He pats my head again.
"Just call me Izuku... and that doesn't sound bad... but uh- what's a date?"
"You really know nothing huh?"
"Hey!" I hit denki softly.
"Ow- ok ok sorry! But also Izuku?"
"Is izuku your name?"
"Oh, my name is Izuku Midoriya, but I tell people I don't know well Deku, it's just easier." I shrug.
"Am I the only one who knows?!" She grins widely.
"Yes...?" He seemed excited over this, I don't know why but he hugged me close and was shaking happily.
"Ah! How cool!!"
"J-just tell me what a date is already!!" I blush.
"Oh! Right," he clears his throat, "it's when you go out and do something together, to get to know one another!"
"Is it apart of courting?"
"It is yea, but it doesn't involve-!" I cover his mouth.
"Shut up!!"

After a few hours of talking I learned everything I needed to know which were: heat, supply's for heats, dates, courting, scenting (romantic and non-romantic) nests, romantic feeling, that my hair was impossible to do and that it's ok to let your scent out. It's a long list but I am honestly happy to learn all this stuff! Denki said he'd teach me how to read and write soon to! I've never been more excited! I've always wanted to know, then the signs I see everywhere will make sense. But now it's time for dinner so we're walking down the halls again.
"Oi freckles!"
"Oh- Kacchan..." Denki pats my back in reassurance.
"You good? How was your visit to the old lady?"
"Old lady-? Oh you mean recovery girl! It was okay... every was figured out... thanks for worrying..."
"I mean- yeah sure... hey I can smell you now..." he's ignoring the fact I smell like Kirishima. That's nice of him.
"Yeah... uh- denki kinda helped me with not having to be scared of it so..."
"Go job dumbass." He hit Dennis shoulder and denki smiles.
"Anytime your highness!" Kacchan held out his hand for me to take, I look at Denki and he nods. So I took his hand, his hand is so big what that heck!
"Oh, izuku! You should let the prince teach you to read!" Denki suggested.
"I can do that.... Wait the fuck you call him izuku?"
"Oh that's my name...," I chuckle. "Izuku Midoriya."
"Why didn't you say that before?!"
"Don't yell! But I don't tell most people, trust issues alright?" He squeezed my hand tighter as we walked.
"Then can I call you izuku?" He grumbled, glaring at denki.
"Um... sure..."
"You can say no nerd."
"No it's fine! I'll just have to let Ejiro as well..."
"No you don't!" He puffs his chest. "This can be our thing."
"I'm still going to let Ejirio know Kacchan."
"Fuckin fine." He didn't seem to mad, so I guess it's ok. Also when did Denki leave?
"Oi, Izuku, I'll take you on a reading date." I look up at Kacchan and I can't read his face, it's calm though.
"Alright..." I'm blushing aren't I?


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