Part Sixteen

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(I'm not to good at fight scenes but I'm trying lmao. Also don't forget to vote and enjoy and share your thoughts and if you have any suggestions for this story please let me know! I'm open to new story ideas too! anyone else supper into The Maze Runner rn?) 

"You look down on me, huh?!" She blonde cried out as she rushed to me. I didn't move. I didn't need to.

"And why do you say that?" I speak calmly, to agitate her. But she was already closing in on me in the large stadium but not matter. Her footing is sloppy. Her arms clearly weak, and bruises and cuts covered her body. Though most seemed self inflicted through fits of rage I presume. She clearly had a temper which came to my advantage. I took a side step as she jumped at me.

"ugh-! don't move!"

"What kind of fight would it be if I didn't move?" I chuckle down at her, she had fallen to the ground. sloppy footing. She stood, dusting herself off and charged again, much quicker this time. I didn't move this time, but grabbed at her arm and flipped her over my head to the ground. She was quit light, was she a picky eater?

"STOP IT!" she screamed. it was a gross sound, loudly and screeching. She stood again, slowly and panting heavily. she didn't take time to dust herself off or recompose herself. She was mad, and in a mental kind of way. The girl charged, faster than before. less sloppy and more controlled now. "I AM TOGA- I AM!" She screamed on and on. She swiped her knife at me multiple times, and I dodged each, but it was getting harder to get away from her. We both were covered in sweat and tired. I don't know how long has this been going on but its been a long while. Her form never battered though, mine was failing me. I NEED that neckless but I don't want to kill a innocent women over it. So I wont. I reach for the wrist with the knife and hold it. Stopping it before it slit my throat and i held it there.

"Toga..." we breath heavy, chests rising and falling quickly. "Toga... I need the neckless."

"Y-You can't have it!" She cried, voice weak for exhaustion. 

"Togo I need it."

"You cant- it's MINE...!"

"I know, and it's unfair for me to take it." She pauses at my words. "But we both know Katsuki will not love you..."

"I'll make him-"

"No." I glare at her, she holds strong, still attempting to slit my throat, "You will a title that holds no power. I hold his love, his power and his will."

"But I'll be queen!" She spoke, voice softer but angry.

"But your worth more than that no? Than just a 'queen'?" I reason, she knows what I'm getting at. The power I hold over Katsuki and this kingdom. Everyone knows who I am. And they won't give me up. "Give me the neckless."

"I do not care who you are Deku. I do not care about the blood in your veins. I care about power. and Katsuki has it... I need it. to get out of here...." Togo whispered the last part into my ear before the knife's cool metal touched my throat.



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