Part thirteen

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"Denki?" I knock on his door.
"Yeah, come in!" So I come in, he was chilling in his bed eating some snacks.
"Denki I need help, badly!"
"Wah- don't cry bro! It's okay!! What do you need help with?" I sat on the floor in front of him and laid my head in his lap.
"I really like Kacchan denki... I-I even thought about your question from a couple weeks ago and I don't know what to do! Am I supposed to sleep with Kacchan? To make him happy?" I sob into his lap and he just pats my head.
"Oh izuku... love is hard huh?"
"You know... why not wait?"
"W-wait?" I look up at him, confused.
"Yes, why not get healthy... and happy," he wipes my tears "and then let him know, it's unfair that you put all your energy into him to only to think that your doing bad for not rushing like him."
"H-how did you know?" I begin to cry again, I seem to do that a lot now...
"I'm an emotion wizard."
"Really?!" I gasp and move back.
"What no- it's a joke! I'm just good and emotional things, like this. But ask me two plus two and I couldn't tell you."
"Denki it's four..."
"Shit! I thought it was five!" And we laugh together.
"Thanks..." Denkis so good at making me feel better.
"Sometimes you need someone to answer your questions for you but you can't drain the other person with them you know?"
"I guess yeah, sorry..."
"Ah izuku your fine! You're not draining at all!"
"Why do you think two alphas wanted you hm?"
"You tease to much!" I huff and sit next to him on the bed.

Time skip!

It's been six months, I've gained healthy weight, lost most muscle tone and most of my scars are gone well not gone but faded? Me and Denki are still close, he's being courted my Shinso, he's a mage, the one who made the dragon tower, so cool right!! Denki doesn't know if he likes him though. I talked to Kacchan about space and time and things, Kacchan threw fit but that's just Kacchan. I work in the library now that I read and write, which is my favorite thing on earth!! Books are amazing! I also draw a bit, Kacchan got me a sketchbook as a gift-
"Izuku? What you writing?"
"Ah-! Nothing!" I slam the book closed and smile at Kacchan.
"If you say so..." he sits down next to me and lays his head on my shoulder.
"You ok Kacchan?"
"Yeah, work is an ass!" I laugh and turn to look at him.
"What did the elders do this time?" I move some hair from his face.

"Saying I gotta marry you and shit... You want time and I wanna be able to give it to you!" He huffs... Kacchan and I have been dating for about four months now. Which we agreed to wait to get married until we were dating for eight months.

"Ah, again?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry Izuku..." He pulls me into his lap and snuggles into my neck. He begins to scent me which he does often out of pride, over-proctectiveness and stress. I let him of course. I like the smell now. Plus keeps annoying ass alpha's off my back!

"It's okay Kacchan, It's not your fault!" I smile and snuggle into him more.

"I know! I just fuckin hate it!" I laugh, Kacchan never changes huh?

... Time skip again...

"And you are?"

"I'm Elder Aziwa."


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