Part Seventeen

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"Hey Kacchan?"

"Mhm," He mumbled as he worked, shuffling through papers on his messy desk. He had the setting sun on his back, the large window behind him letting in all the fading light. 

"Should I go fight the women for the neckless?" I said it, he never told me anything. I hinted for days to tell me something but nothing every came out his mouth other than things he was annoyed with.

"The hell you mean?" He finally looked up at me, clearly mad.

"I talked to Elder Aiziwa a few times, and he explained why the elders keep pressing onto you. You need the neckless back from the other princess so that you can officially make me your partner. But they all want you to marry her anyway and make me a side lover. A concubine."

"The fuck is that old man getting into my business for?!" He growls under his breath.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I keep my ground. I'm allowed to be upset.

"I didn't wanna stress you-" He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, "It's a lot of work to rule a kingdom let alone an empire. and you've been in a camp your whole life. I didn't want to force you into something you can't do."

"Can't do? You never even asked!" I yell, voice shaky. he didn't even trust me. "Do you not trust me?"

"I didn't want to chance this empires down fall." He stood and walked to me, I push away and leave the room. the halls shifting as I run as quickly as I could. all I hear is "izuku! Izuku! Izuku!" then the wall's turn from stone to sand to sandstone.

"Izuku!" Oh, I'm in a hospital? no a med-bay. and it was made of the same stone as the arena. 

"Ugh..." I rub my eyes and wince.

"Izuku, hi baby its me." Katsuki rubs my forehead. I push his hand away.

"Where am I? what happened?" I groan, now realizing how much everything hurt.

"Toga slit your throat a bit, you still lost a lot of blood though. Why didn't you fight back, baby? I know your better than that..." He sits back into his chair.

"Whats it matter?" I half laugh, "I wouldn't be 'queen' anyway..."

"Don't talk like that Izuku." Katsuki retorted.

"Why not? I'm not fit to rule remember?"

"That- you can't blame me for wanting whats best for my empire."

"Your right, but I can blame you for not telling me anything and acting like I was the only one you loved, acting like I was going to marry you but you never intended to." I spit, hoping he heard how betrayed I was.

"Izuku, we talked about this-"

"No we didn't, you did. I sat and listened to you attempt to justify everything you did wrong."

"Thats not-"

"What? not true?" I laugh weakly do to my state. Katsuki sighed to this and remained silent. He never apologized, and I don't know if he ever will. "leave, I-"

"knock knock~" Toga said as she stood in the door way. "I gotta talk to Izuku alone, leave." She glared at Katsuki but he grunted and stood to leave. he bumped her shoulder as he left. 

"Came back to finish me off?" I chuckle and sit up.

"Don't move to much~ and no." She sat on the end of my bed. she looked much more put together now. her eyes though, were just as mental as before. "I came to give you this."


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