Chapter five

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"Mine" the dark voice whispers huskily in my ears as I flinch and back away, putting myself into fight or flight mode.
"Who-... oh it's Kacchan..." I glare at the tall man.
"You like it?" He asked annoyed.
"No, it ruined my personal space." I was annoyed.
"No? How disappointing, I was hoping to see if you'd scent the area and see if you smelled any good." He grunts out.
"Your a pervert."
"Huh?! The hell you say Freckles?!" He yells and I flinch now in a fighting stance, one Kirishima taught me. Kacchan rubbed his temples as he calmed down. He growled and looked at me with mad eyes but a clam voice.
"Just look at your bed nerd" I look over to see a blanket, actually a lot of different things on my bed, I walk into my room and rummage through it, it all was named and scented. A shirt from Ochaco, a pillow from whoever was Denki, Nanas's and Eri's shared blanket, Mina gave me an animal skin nesting blanket, I teared up a bit when I picked it up. It's was a big deal for Mina to give me this, an omega gave up a piece of their own nest, a peice of themselves for me. I hugged it close and looked at the other things. A pillow from tsu, a blanket from jiro, it was a alpha sent but it was calm like whisky and rain. And a whole lot more. But kirishima gave me many things, 2 pillows, a big blanket and a shirt. I wrap the blanket he gave me around myself.
"It's tradition to do that for new comers." Kacchan said softly as he leaned on the doorframe.
"I-is it?" I as softly.
"They're all like family you know? I was gonna give you something too but I thought it better to just scent your whole room." He sounded egotistical.
"I'd rather you didn't." I laugh wiping the tears and setting the nesting blanket down. "But thanks."
"Warming up to me now?" He smirks. I turn and finally take a good look at him. He's tall and muscular, broad shoulders and a smaller waist, good jawline too. He had on brown baggy pants and fur boots. Trible necklaces laced his neck and he had on a red cape. On his left shoulder was a Doran traditional tattoo.
"Like what you see Deku?" He teased.
"Not good enough." I turn away.
"Oh really?" He smiles and steps closer to me. I growl lowly at him.
"Back off, I don't want you like that."
"Is that so?" He steps closer. I widen my stance ready to jump the gun, I growl louder.
"Fine," he huffs and turns away, "I won't touch you." He grunts and takes off his cape leaving it to sit on the chair by the door and he storms out, grumbly about me rejecting him. I growl and shut my door. I stare at the cape before grabbing it and taking a big breath, it had a hint of caramel too. I got dressed and put on the shirt Kirishima gave me I look at all the other things that I had and began to make a simple nest.
"I've never done this, how do I do this?" I mumble to myself quietly, it was messy but I could feel myself relax more than ever before. I was practically purring, which is a new thing I learned omegas could do. Mina did it when she was talking about Natto on the way here. I smile to myself, feeling so proud and happy. Kirishimas shirt fit me like a dress but I don't mind. I'm finally starting to feel... safe.

626 word, and happy reading!

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