A What?

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Dani's POV

"So how'd you knew Jessica was taking drugs?" Paxon asks

"It's been a week, Pax." I say. Demi's driving us to the X-Factor. Today, we know who's getting in the top 40.

"No, seriously. I'm curious."

"I observe people. And their behavior. Jassica has been sniffing drugs, hence her nose is stuffed. Her eyes are swollen and red. She's shaky and moody."

"Maybe she just cried." Paxon said

"Negative, Captain. If she cried, the redness will be in her retina, not around her eyes."

"How do you know that?"

"I want to be a cop." I said.

"You wanna be a what?" Demi asks, astounded.

"I want to be a homicide detective." I say.

"Wow." She says.

"Yeah." Paxon says.

"Cut it out guys."

"So you're gonna take criminology?"

"Yeah. If it doesn't work out I'm gonna take computer forensics and be an I.T. Analyst with the CIA or the FBI."

"And what about X-Factor? What if you win?"

"The cop thing is a back up plan. Was just made into a back up plan when you nutjobs pushed me into X-Factor." I say.

"Well, you have a good shot of winning." She says

"And if I win, people will say it was because of you sister." I retorted. "And if I don't I'll be called talentless try hard. And I'm getting pessimistic again."

"You won't"

"Burshwah." I say


"It's my way of saying 'haha lol wtf no'" I explain.

"They won't Dani. Trust me." Demi tries to comfort. Tries.

"What if they do?" I ask. Silnce is all I get. I deicded to just drop it and don't push it. I put my iPhone on shuffle and started to drift off to sleep.

"I want to thank my Family- Mom, Dad, Dallas, and Maddy. To all my friends, and to all my Lovatics out there who still continue to support me. Thank you all so much!"

"Mom, why does Demi never thanks me?" I question her.

"Because she's not allowed too."

"But why can she thank all of you! What's so different with me?"

"Dani, please stop."

"But Mom!"

"DANIELLA LOVATO. UP TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" She screams at me. I cry and bolted up to the stairs.

I call Demi. "Dems, do you hate me?" I say in between sobs.

"Dani? What happenned? Why are you crying?"

"M-mom said you weren't supposed to thank me and then she screamed at me."

"Dani, no. I love you baby girl. I just have to keep you safe, that' s all. Don't worry, when I come home, we'll play all day and I'll bring Nick too, and the three of us can do what ever we want, okay?"

"Just the three of us?"

"Yeah, baby girl. Now stop crying okay? I love you so much."

"I love you to Demi." I say and wipe the tears of my face.

"I have to go, okay baby? See you soon."

"Okay, bye." I say and she hangs up. 

and you know what? She did came home. But we never saw each other. No Nick, no Demi, and no playtime. The next thing I know she was in rehab and I didn't even know why or what that is. I just thought she never came home.

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