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Dani's POV

Let' s skip to a few weeks after the final forty, but first here's what you missed on the X-factor:

I'm in the final 16, teen's category with Jessica Rodrigo, Eli Tablaue, and Javi Fastine both from the males. Alyssa Marcum, Dominique Adler, Marcia Jacobs, and Patricia Hadley were formed together by the judges into a group named 'At Your Service', another group was formed composed of the teen males called 'Right Behind You'. 

And this week, are the first live performance Category of Sex Songs, and I get to sing 'Let's Get it On' by Marvin Gaye.

Now, this is something in the forte of the non- virgins specially the people in the girls and boys category, but for me as a fucking lesbian goldstar, I'm gonna have a pretty rough time. 

Wait, did I just say i'm a lesbian goldstar?

You heard nothing.

Right now I'm with Naya, practicing a song. And it's like seven am. She says it's better to sing in the morning because it does something to your voice. I don't know. I just sing.

"Okay run the 'There's nothing wrong' to the 'love is true' part."

"There's nothing wrong with the beat, loving you baby! No, no, no! Give yourself to me you'll never be wrong- if this love is true."

"Okay, so if the first verse is gonna be so chill, you ned to build this so that the ending is gonna be strong."

"But if I can build it on another part?"

"What part?"

"Best part is the 'Come on' part."

"But you'll only have like five lines left."

"That's all I need."

"Okay, okay... we can deal With that. Okay, from the top."

So I sang it with what I think  is gonna sound good, and I kinda like it.

"Okay, so that's good. So, just things to remeber: you need a strong, good ending and um, you're gonna be performing last."

"Okay." I nod my head.

"Alright. Get some rest. You have four hours until stage and dress rehersals so, yeh. Good job today."

"Thanks." I left and Javi was just entering "Hey." I say.

"Hey, um..."



"Okay..." I left. Well that was awkward. A camera man followed me into my room, which was weird becuase they usually don't. I open my room and look who I see.

"Paxon!" I say. I ran up and hug him. "You're here!" he hugs me too, tighter.

"You miss me!" 

"It's been a month since I last saw you! What do you expect?" And we pull away. "What are you doing here?"

"They said I could visit, so I did."

"Are you gonna watch?"

"Well, duh. They said I could watch from backstage, but I'll be in the mosh pit so you can see my face."

"Um, is that really a good idea?" I say joking, and he gives me a look. "Kidding! So what do you wanna do today?"

"Uh, I don't know. Let's roam around the L.A.! You never went out for fun right? You just go out to buy clothes and stuff?"

"Well, yeah."

"Let's go then!"

I got my penny board and we cruised around L.A. for awhile until he tapped my shoulder and both stopped. 

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