the words I need to say

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putting words together

forming inside my head

ready to be said.

the real question is.

will they be heard?

when I speak will they be slurred

what is my worth?

do I deserve to walk this earth.

should I say?

all the words I want to say.

or do I preserve?

what is left of my self-worth?

the hell with it

I must address and express.

depression holds me in darkness.

anxiety tells me.

the darkness will keep me safe.

racing thoughts, put words in my head,

spinning them,

telling me I should be dead.

I am nothing. I am worthless. I am empty.

I am darkness. I am ugly.

I can't get it right.

these are the words inside my head.

if I put them on paper,

release them, set them free,

I'll have a moment where I can breathe.

you may not understand the words I say,

but that's okay, because this here,

these words I write, are my way to say,

I made it,

one more day.

one more fight.

you may not see the struggle inside.

it's here. its real. I do not lie.

I confess this isn't easy,

but these are the words I need to say.

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