*this will take form of a relationship column in a magazine*
How the toxicity from your trust issues is killing your relationships!
Some of us have been through the type of relationship that one would equate to Hell. Emotional, mental, and physical abuse are something that sticks with a person for quite a while. this makes it hard to continue in any future relationships with scars on our minds. We don't trust and we are paranoid that this one is like the last.
This is where most can likely go wrong. If you are new in a relationship and you are letting these scars eat you up and control your emotions towards someone who did not inflict them on you, then you are destroying that relationship. Little by little you will chip away at their patience, and their mental state, and then strain the foundations of your relationship to the point of no return. A person can only handle being accused of so much.
They are human too, and quite frankly they did nothing to deserve being questioned, untrusted, and unbelieved. They deserve to be loved just as much as you do. We must get a hold on our emotions and ourselves as a whole before trying to love another person. It is NOT their job to fix you.
It is YOUR job to fix you. Because only you know what you are really feeling. your significant other should be expected to assist you by being careful of your emotions and being supportive, but throwing all of it on them and COMPARING them to the last is extremely toxic. You will destroy your relationships this way.
Do not become the one who harms another's mental state & emotions, even if an accident. Fix yourself, learn to control your emotions, thoughts and feelings. Stop using your past as an excuse for your present actions. You need to grow in a better direction so that you stand a chance at a truly HEALTHY relationship. Get some kind of help, but not from your significant other.

Unspoken Poetry
Poetry⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ if any of the tagged things are sensitive to read about or makes you feel uncomfortable, please do not read! I'd hate to be the reason you feel either way.