snapchat journal

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I've cried over you every night these past few days, I've let my own thoughts make me surrender and believe what they've been telling me, I believed you when you told me you loved me. The worst part is, you don't even care. I stare at my ceiling

hoping someone will text me and save me from this. I'm crying over you so hard that it's not only emotionally painful but it's physically painful, I fall to the ground grabbing my stomach to contain my sobs. I don't want to let anyone else hear me

I wanna know if you miss me as much as I miss you? Do you even care or was i just a burden. Why did you keep it going if you knew it wasn't going anywhere. I still love you. And it hurts so fucking bad

I don't want to cry over you. But I can't stop these tears. I'm getting to the point where I can't see my screen typing this. My vision is so blurry. What did I do wrong, where did I mess up? Was it something I said?

I wanna know why you left. I actually thought I could be happy for once. And I told you how people left me and cheated on me. You said you would never do that. You said you were gonna stay.

You lied... you left.

I'm sorry I wasn't good enough.

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