I want to know you.
I want to hear about your interests,
your favorite things, your problems, your thoughts.
I want to the see the dark brown of your eyes up close,
glimmering as you speak softly and carelessly.
I want to be the reason behind your smile,
rendering me speechless as dimples appear upon your cheeks.
I want to be the one to sing along to the radio with you,
laughing as we try to hit all of the notes on key.
I want to hold your hand,
for hours and hours, never letting go.
I want to wake up to your raspy morning voice,
watching as you wipe the sleep from your eyes.
I want to be the one touch your soft lips with mine,
hearing your breath catch in your throat as you move closer.
I want to run my hands through your soft hair,
detangling the brown mess and smiling as you close your eyes.
I want to be the one to hold you close at night,
when your demons come out to haunt you.
I want to wipe your tears away,
when the thoughts become too much to handle.
I want to lay my head on your chest,
listening to the heartbeat of the person who has somehow
enchanted me with their mere existence.
I want to be there for you, with you, near you,
I want to learn every single thing about you.
I want to know you.

Unspoken Poetry
Poetry⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ if any of the tagged things are sensitive to read about or makes you feel uncomfortable, please do not read! I'd hate to be the reason you feel either way.