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do you remember those stories

the ones you were told as a kid

about the monsters under your bed

you were always so scared

you slept with a nightlight

then you got older

you realized they were just

fiction, nothing more

but a couple years later you learned

monsters do exist

however, they aren't like the ones in the stories

they aren't under your bed or in your closet

they don't lure in the dark

you find them in the people you love most

the ones you hold all your trust in

they live in a world that once seemed so safe

but the scariest ones of all

hide inside your head

no nightlight will protect you

you can't run away

finding safety under your covers

you will never be safe

and they will never go away

you to create a world where both can co-exist

Unspoken PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now