I feel as if I could cry myself an ocean. I don't know whether or not it's because I miss you. Or if I miss what we had. Or if I want to cry because I feel like boxes are being stacked on top of me and I'm slowly falling closer to the ground.
I miss you. I miss our smiles. I miss your hugs and your constant reassurance you would give me. I miss knowing you were there, and I could talk to you when I needed to.
I want to play every sad song I know of on repeat and cry until I can't anymore. I could sit at the bottom of the shower for hours thinking about me and you while I listen to Journey and Elton John while they sing songs about relationships and love. The two things I don't have right now.
I want to see you again. Feel your warm hand and fingers interlaced with mine everywhere we go. Feel you hold me close when we were in public, so everyone knew I was yours. You cherished me. You showed me off. You loved having me to yourself. Until one day you didn't want it anymore. You woke up and decided you don't want me anymore...

Unspoken Poetry
Poetry⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ if any of the tagged things are sensitive to read about or makes you feel uncomfortable, please do not read! I'd hate to be the reason you feel either way.