As I walk down the hallway
My mind plays tricks on me
in the corner of my eye
they're all staring at me
I check to make sure,
but it's my mind tricking me.
I walk faster, hoping to hide
from the monster waiting inside.
I walk into class
eyes on the ground,
believing their watching me
every step, every sound.
at least, that's what the monster tells me.
I try to shut it out, but it instead
I'm trapped in my head
I try to fight it
to stop it from controlling my mind
because if I don't,
I will be left far behind.
But in the end, I just try to hide from the
monster waiting inside.
Friends will fade
People will leave,
and once more, I'm all alone
with only my thoughts for company
I was so naive,
thinking you would stay
to help light the way
I still dream of a light,
someone to help me out of the dark
where my mind is haunted in
gleeful delight.
I try to shut it out on my own,
but it only seems to grow,
thriving in the dark,
while I freeze, dauntingly slow
As I take a frozen breath,
I see a light heading towards me
slowly it brightens,
and I see,
Hope is waiting on me.

Unspoken Poetry
Poetry⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ if any of the tagged things are sensitive to read about or makes you feel uncomfortable, please do not read! I'd hate to be the reason you feel either way.