I find reasons to stay while you find reasons to leave
Who ever invented love was only trying to deceive
If I was only interested in what you want I wonder
What you would go looking for in the next
I wonder if Adam had the same issues with Eve
Or if I've been wrong and my only interest should have been sex
I lost the art of love when I love you
And as hard as that is to believe, it's true
Maybe it was me or maybe it was you
Either way we could've made do
We've been down this road before but I guess
You're still looking for something new
Like attention or intentions
Honestly I think you get a kick out of leaving me...with
No choice but to respect your decision
It's weird you blame me for trying and not yourself quitting
Then proceed to blame it on problems when there's
Never been a relationship without them

Unspoken Poetry
Poetry⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ if any of the tagged things are sensitive to read about or makes you feel uncomfortable, please do not read! I'd hate to be the reason you feel either way.