Though she be little, she be fierce
a story that's often told,
but while this, of course, helps sum up Grace
she was cut from another mold.
Fiercely brave yet even more proud
her smile it always shone,
and while she's going to be missed by all
her journey will live on.
She lives on through her children
through her big son Mark and daughter Lynn
and each one of her grandchildren
carry parts of Grace within.
She'll be watching over Charlie now
and she will feel all of his pain
but she will hope that he will find some strength
until they meet again.
She will be watching on from Heaven
now she's gained her Angel wings
she'll be nattering away up there with God
as her next life now begins.
She'll know of all Heaven's gossip
it will be like watching her old soaps
and we know she'll take no bother up there
she'll have the other angels on ropes.
So as you cope without our Grace
as your heart begins to sigh
just know that someday you'll see Grace again
It's see you later, not goodbye.

Unspoken Poetry
Poetry⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ if any of the tagged things are sensitive to read about or makes you feel uncomfortable, please do not read! I'd hate to be the reason you feel either way.