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I don't feel good enough

I don't know why but I don't anymore

I remember not caring what everyone else thought about me

I remember having friends who weren't all boys

I remember having "friends forever" as what we always said

I remember dressing up and feeling pretty

But anymore you can't or you'll get made fun of for somehow someway you will

It doesn't matter if you are nice

It doesn't matter if you care

What matters is or what they think matters is being perfect

Having the best life

By making ours a living Hell

We try so hard to be good enough for them

We try so hard to be pretty

We try so hard to be heard

But NO all we get is a face full of names and snarky remarks

I being me don't get along with girls

because they have called me so much shit in the past

like "slut", "whore", "hoe", "ugly", "fat", etc.

But none of those things are true unless I believe them

They only call me that because I hang out with all guys and that's okay

One of these days I'm going to have an abusive boyfriend

and they are going to help me but you know what

who isn't going to have help when they have one?

All those people who called me those names,

who called you those names

it's not fair to be the way we are when everyone else isn't.

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