1 - Listen Before I Go

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The trees swayed outside the window with the intensity of the wind, the wind howled, and no one was sure whether the howling was the wind or wolves, they were too deep in the forest.

Isolabella's eyes were half open, the room around her was empty, just a dark room, some corners that had turned into her safe space occasionally, and a damned door that she had wished would get jammed so her father wouldn't come back in.

The window was barred, she couldn't escape even if she had wanted to.

Bundled up in one of the corners,she sat with her knees tucked to her chest, her head pushed back in pain of the cramps she had felt.

She didn't understand what father had done to her, but it hurt her alot when he put his fingers and his lower area in hers.

She told him to stop because it hurt, but he didn't.

Her mother watched silently, she was always silent, Isolabella thought she was dead, she thought she was only a corpse walking.

After her father was done with her, he had used words that she did not understand the meaning of. Whore was one of them. But the way he said it sounded like it was a bad word. So she didn't like it.

All she wanted to do was to make them proud.

She was rarely given food to consume. And she had overheard her mother begging him to feed Isolabella, and he had answered that only if she pleased him like she did.

Isolabella thought that was a compliment. That her father thought she did something good.

After a while, her mother made her way into her room, she put a tray in front of Isolabella full of food. Maybe her mother did please her father like he wanted.


She stopped in he tracks without turning back as her body started shaking, Isolabella took it as she was allowed to talk.

"H-How much am I?"

What she had meant at that moment was to ask how old was she. But it seemed like the question had broken her mother in front of her, before she knew it, Isolabella's mother pulled a knife out of her pocket, she turned back around, looking into her eyes as she whispered, broken,

"Forgive me"

She pulled her shirt up, balled it up and stuck it in her mouth to stop her own screams. Then she began pushing the knife into her delicate skin that had only hidden her bones, no muscle or meat on her, she was treated just as bad as Isolabella.

Isolabella didn't know what had happened, she saw her mother put a utensil into her chest over and over

And over

And over

And over

And again.

She didn't know when her mother had stopped. Blood had pooled at her feet as she rocked back and forth at the sight of her mother. She had bled like Isolabella, so she knew her mother was hurt.

Isolabella didn't know how long had passed, she was standing over her mother's corpse, wanting to help. But what could she do?

A while had passed, maybe a day, maybe a week. No one knew. Only her father knew.

The room started stinking with the rotting corpse, insects and reptiles had started eating the corpse. Everytime Isolabella felt hungry, she would eat one of the insects, but it always ended up giving her pain in her stomach.

Then her father opened the door, only to be welcomed by the sight of his wife's rotting corpse and his daughter drinking her own urine for water.

He knew his wife killed herself, but nonetheless, he was going to blame his daughter for it. And what better way to do it than rape her over and over in front of the rotting corpse and blaming her for it?

Isolabella didn't know what she was waiting for, why she hadn't ran when the door was wide open and her father was touching himself over the rotting corpse, he had no idea if she had left now,

She saw her chance,

So she made a run for it,

She ran and she ran,

She ran deep into the woods,

In the distance she heard the howling again, she still didn't understand what was the sound and where it came from.

She ran until her little legs couldn't carry her anymore. She ran even though she knew she had no chance of survival,

Far away, she had heard her father's cackling, his ugly laughter had stilled the whole forest, no more howling, no more chittering of insects, there was nothing besides the sound of her little footsteps.

"Come back, little bitch. Where do you think you're going"

He sang the words in his ugly voice, Isolabella hid behind a big tree, but her father could find her,

She was his child after all, he could find her without a doubt, but he enjoyed the chase.

Isolabella had started chanting something, she had no idea what she was doing, but she was begging for someone to protect her, she begged God to strike down and save her, she had heard her mother talking about God, how he will avenge Isolabella and her soon,

But he never came,

He didn't save her,

Isolabella felt the roots of her hair being ripped apart, a hand had gripped her hair and dragged her into a clearing. The clearing had a beautiful ocean looked over it, with a dark starry sky,

He pushed her head into the ocean and tortured her until she cried,

The last thing she said before her head was pushed back into the ocean was

"God, save me"

But he didn't. She was tortured over and over,

She was just a little child, she didn't deserve all of the abuse, why did God not help her? Did she do something wrong?

How could she had known, she was only 7.


this whole chapter disgusted me so much :(

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