4 - Her Corner Of Heaven

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Alpha Dante but with a scar on his eye and with yellow eyes ;)


In a few months, Isolabella would be 23. And by 23, she stops aging.

A few months ago, Isolabella had nearly lost her life. She had been too lenient towards an angel, it was the supernatural war that was going on. She did not kill him after defeating him, and she only turned her back on him to let him leave and live on without being in the fight anymore, but the angel was quick to deceive and break his promise. He attacked Isolabella soon after and put his lance into her heart. If Abaddon wasn't present in the fight near her, Lucifer wouldn't have gotten to her in time before Death took her and passed his judgment on her. Lucifer, without consulting his adopted daughter had slit his vein on his wrist and made her drink from his blood.

And that's how she became immortal.

Even though Lucifer didn't ask for her permission to turn her immortal, she was thankful for how caring her papa was. That he had risked their relationship and his life just to save hers.

Despite all the supernatural war, the academy was the peaceful ground. No one, absolutely no one attacked that place. Even the demons stayed away from the academy. After all they had their people there too, they wouldn't risk their lives. So, despite the war, the academy was still teaching and Isolabella was still an active student there, only now it was her last year.

Today, she was wearing a circle black skirt that reached her knee, a pair of combat boots, some black shorts underneath to not flash everyone In case of fights, and a crop top that had a picture of a cross on it. It was ironic for the cross to be there, the hell creatures all loved her shirt and complimented her for it while the heaven creatures hated her guts. Besides one angel who just always stared at her with curiosity. He was a low ranking angel whom she had saved a few times after he was bullied. His blonde hair that could be confused with white was silky and pushed back a bit with a few escaped strands adorning his forehead. His eyes were grey with specks of black in them. His little nose had a spray of freckles on it. Overall he was on the paler side and a lean build, later on while stuttering he had told her she was his savior and gave her his name in return as he had nothing else to offer, he was Engelfrid.

Now no one dares to bully one another because once she knows, she beats the crap out of the bully and makes them spend time with the person they bullied for a month. This usually made the bully and the bullied become friends despite their deferences. Hence she is the student representative of the academy. She had decided to dedicate time as long as she could for those that were bullied. It was her way of making sure that no one was going through abuse like she had as much as she could help it.

As Isolabella pushed her dark wavy and bouncy hair back, her chocolate eyes connected to two yellow ones as a scar adorned his right eye. She recognized him as the alpha of alphas. She wasn't sure why he was here, but lord was she glad that she feasted her eyes upon his face and build. His hair was silky brown as it was slightly messy and ruffled, hiding his yellow eyes subtly, giving him a dangerous look. A sharp scar ran over the corner of his mouth, Isolabella's eyes had very innocently traveled over his kissable lips. She had never felt like kissing someone as she had right now, but of course, she shouldn't be doing that.

A red tint traveled over her face as she was the first looking away from his in tense gaze. From his built tan body and skin, the two fangs as he licked over them when she looked at his lips was a give away that he was a werewolf without even knowing he was Alpha Dante Darcy.

A hint of men's cologne that Isolabella had to control the urge to roll her eyes back at over how amazing it smelled hit her senses. But before she knew who it was, Abaddon had picked her up and flung her on his shoulder, carrying her away from the man on the opposite room that she was close to eyeraping.

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