13 - Just A Little Bit Of Sugar, But Lots Of Poison Too

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A week later

Today was the day that Dante and Abaddon had to go back to their own places.

Isolabella opened her eyes and involuntarily stretched as she yawned. She stared up the ceiling for a bit, her mind empty and only occupied by one thing.

Torturing her biological father.

She slowly made her way out of bed, today was different for her. She was acting much more different than other days.

She acted as if she was the calm before the storm.

Isolabella made her way towards her bathroom, doing her business, brushing and taking care of her face. While usually her face was free of make up, today she opted for a pink lip gloss that screamed attention. It complimented her skin color well. Her eyelashes were naturally long and curled, so she didn't bother with anything else besides using some black pencil on her upper lash line to make her eyelashes even fuller.

She let her wavy hair down, pooling around her shoulders, it was obvious that she was unusually on edge yet calm. Her demon horns had peaked out of her head.

She picked out a matching pair of bra and panties, they were lace and beige, she slowly put them on, checking herself out. But all she saw through the mirror was someone that stared back void of any emotions in her at that moment.

She had gone completely numb.

Isolabella opened her closet once more, she pulled out clothes that weren't exactly her style, she never liked to wear anything much revealing, but today, she wasn't herself.

She was out there to torture.

To kill.

She pulled out a black mini skirt, but she calmly put it back down as she reached out for the pale pink mini skirt. It had only reached her upper thigh. Showcasing her long legs and thick thighs, her underwear would have peaked out if she wasn't careful.

Isolabella pulled out a black fishnet shirt to put underneath. Then she pulled on her pale pink cropped top that had long sleeves and off shoulder. Her fishnet shirt underneath peaking out as it was a circle neck.

She looked at herself once more as she pulled her pink socks on that had cute ruffles on them, she pulled out her heeled black Mary Jane shoes and put them on.

She knew she was going to be asked a lot of questions today, but she didn't care. She knew she would possibly lose Dante after learning what she was about to do. She knew Abaddon may not see her the same again either.

She knew her brothers would probably have a heartattack seeing her in what she was in and going in front of that monster.

But most importantly, she knew Lucifer would have her back.

She was finally ready to punish.

A smile popped on her lips, but never reached her eyes. She calmly opened her door, stepped out and locked it.

Isolabella took her time as she slowly made her way to the dining hall. Just because she was different today doesn't mean she wouldnt cook for everyone.

She started making sandwiches for everyone. It was a morning routine, no one was allowed to go to work without breakfast being taken with them.

And for the time that Dante stayed, he was a part of it too.

She wrapped up all the sandwiches, putting them in their designated lunch boxs and preparing favorite drinks for each brother, Dante, Abaddon and her papa.

Abaddon had came back the night before and had to share the room with Dante, for a few hours, Isolabella heard them spitting indirect insults at one another, a few grunts here and there as she heard smacks. As one would scream "Aha". She knew that they were doing that hand wrestling thing to show which one was more dominant. It was stupid but she was glad they hadn't killed one another instead. After a few hours she had heard Abaddon throwing Dante off of the bed as he had climbed in, only for Dante to just go back in and sleep right next to him. Abaddon hadn't liked that but had dealt with it.

As Isolabella finished everything, she heard her brothers, mates and Papa make their ways to the dining hall.

"So you guys slept together." belzebub snorted as he announced.

Two gruff voices groaned as they protested.

"I mean you guys slept in the same bed, it literally is the same thing." Satanus grumbled as he rolled his eyes.

"No, it isn't." the two said in unison as they glared at each other.

They hated each other's guts.

Mammon hummed as he smelled his coffee in his favorite mug. A smile painted on his lips, he raised his head to thank his little sister but the sight had the big brother's eyes wide open.

He stood there staring at his little Isolabella.

No sound coming out of him.

"Did you guys have sex? When should we expect a baby?" Asmodeus smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Boys" Mammon tried but no one listened. Isolabella stared back at his brother with no emotions in her brown eyes. He had never seen her as he did now.

He missed his little sister.

Before Abaddon and Dante got to answer, Belphegor gasped at Asmodeus, "Why did you never come out to us about this, do you have any idea how Isolabella would feel if she knew you guys had sex?"

Asmodeus chimed in "And without her at that!"


Mammon yelled out to stop them, everyone looked up.

And chaos broke loose

"What the fuck are you you wearing, Isolabella?"

"Why the fuck are you wearing cleaning cloth for clothes, little sis"


"Thank you, Isolabella. For the breakfast, but I suggest that you change out of these before you give everyone a heart attack."

"I can't have your mates seeing you like this, you are not ready precious one"

Isolabella only looked at her brothers coldly.

They had never seen her that way.

But Lucifer knew.

Dante growled dangerously and lowly at the others, especially Abaddon seeing her that way. He didn't like how his eyes roamed on her beautiful body. The same way his own eyes were.

He wanted to mark his mate on the spot.

Abaddon on the other hand stared at his Bella, so many emotions swirling in his violet eyes as they traveled over her body and to her eyes.

Oh they were so void of feelings. Emotions.

Dante's chest heaved as Isolabella slowly yet power seeping out of her, made her way towards the doors.

Dante was starting to shift, a hand rested on his shoulder, to his surprise, it was Abaddon.

"Let her be, she has got something to take care of. Whether we like it or not to be in the same space together, we both have to wait for her to return."

"What is there for her to do that she has to be practically undressed?"

Dante's deep voice reached Isolabella's ears. As much as she enjoyed his jealousy, as much as he enjoyed the way both him and Abaddon looked at her, that wasn't the point of how she dressed. She turned around, a smile stretched on her glossed lips that had everyone fall silent. The smile was so cold, it never reached her eyes.

It was the smile of void itself.

"Oh but darling, that is the point."

And with that, she made her way out if the door to her biological father's torture dungeon.

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