9 - Sex Magnet

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Isolabella squealed, embarrassed.

"put me down you big oaf"

But Abaddon only squeezed her thigh in response, shutting her up. He smirked against her butt. She was lifted up on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He liked the effect he was starting to have on her.

What he didn't know was that he had always effected her, but she never admitted it to him.

She barely even realized it herself

As they walked through Hell, everyone randomly greeted them. Not even taking a second look at what was happening in front of them because they knew Abaddon loved her, and it was his way of showing his affection.

Then once they were back in their mansion in Hell, Abaddon with Isolabella on his shoulder passed by a hungry Belphegor, who was raiding the 5th fridge today.

Abaddon passed right by his Bella's room, he didn't even think twice about it. Isolabella struggled, excitement and panic mixing in her scent. In return, that stirred the demon side of Abaddon.

With a quick work with the keys, he opened the door to his room. He walked in and dropped Isolabella on the bed as she laid down right away with how dizzy she felt.

Abaddon closed the door and locked it, so no one saw them as they talked things through.

Abaddon slowly made his way towards Isolabella.

She looked up, watching him like a hawk, feeling all sort of things and thoughts.

'how do I get out of this' 'I don't want to get out of this' 'why was Belphegor looking for to eat I can make him something'

"Damn you're such a sex magnet"

Isolabella slapped her mouth as she flushed red. She didn't mean to say it. It was just one of the chaotic thoughts.

"I-I meant to say that I should cook something?" she tried unconvincingly,

Abaddon's violet eyes were starting to turn purple in arousal. To the fact that she admitted she was attracted to him in any sort of way. Due to the excitement, his 'little' friend as Isolabella thought, was getting excited too.

Isolabella tried to look anywhere but at him, Abaddon tried to talk to her instead, ignoring his feelings all together to talk things out,

"Bella, now that the cat is out of the bag, I don't think I can just let another man take you away."

He held her chin, making her look his way as he stared into her chocolate eyes. Her eyes held innocence beyond anyone could imagine, kindness that was trying to burst out of her, and a little bit of shyness.

She opened her mouth to talk, frowning, she cleared her throat a bit,

"Abaddon, I can't just choose you and I can't just choose Dante either. You're both my mate, apparently. It isn't nice to just choose one of you. If anything, it's better to reject you both-"

The it happened,

Abaddon couldn't let his mate finish what she said. He needed to stop her from coming to silly decisions. He rather share her than have her reject him.

He held her soft full cheeks in his slightly rough and big hands, her cheeks fit right into his palms. He crashed his soft red lips on her full pink ones. It was his first time that he willingly went in for a kiss. That he was letting his feelings overflow for her. Her lips were drugs and he was an addict. He felt like he started breathing for the first time in his life.

Isolabella wasn't any better. The passionate kiss had surprised her, but she instantly kissed him back. She didn't know if she was doing it right. But she sneaked her hand around his throat to the back of his head, with the other hand roaming over his strong chest. She felt like he was a plague and she wanted to be sick. To be taken by the plague even if it killed her. She felt like he was the sweetest taste she had ever tasted on her tongue and she wanted more and more of him.

Their lips moved against each other's as they sat on the bed. Abaddon flipped them to make Isolabella straddle his lap as she kissed him back. He was over the moon to have his feelings finally recognized. And he wanted more already. He couldn't settle for this now. Isolabella blushed behind the kiss, she pushed her tongue into his mouth and Abaddon goraned at the taste of her red tongue. Hw felt himself getting harder by the minute, he secretly hoped that Isolabella didn't see how much she effected him.

But she felt it.

Without Abaddon realizing it, Isolabella had positioned herself on him, her legs held him between them. She uncertainly moved her hips as she was pressed against his hard on.

As Abaddon felt her core against his thick cock, he shivered and held her hips to keep the mischievous girl in place, pushing himself more in her. A quiet moan escaped against their lips as the kiss got even more passionate.

Isolabella felt herself getting wetter by the minute. Against his jeans, she felt every ridge of him. Her core throbbed under her panties for him, she knew he was a devil for a reason with what he could make you do. But this wasn't even that. This was her willingly wanting him.

Isolabella broke the kiss, but before Abaddon could even comprehend it, she placed open mouth kisses on his neck, he moaned loudly as she placed it on the most sensitive part between his neck and ear. That only encouraged her to nibble on his earlobe, then suck on his neck, leaving a huge love bite there.

His moans were music to her ear. She didn't know what overcame her, but she started moving her hips faster on top of him. Getting him so close to being undone right there.

"Please don't stop Bella, keep going"

Isolabella felt herself tremble at how desperate Abaddon was for her, she felt herself get even wetter, leaving a spot on his jeans. Then before he could cum, she got up, stopping him from having his closure.

Abaddon looked up at her with hooded violet eyes, calculating her actions. Coming to the conclusion that his little demon wanted to cock block him.

And that angered him,

So he moved their positions, he pushed her against the bed and went right between her legs, his head dipped between her thighs. Placed open mouthed kisses on her thigh, Isolabella moaned loudly, enjoying the attention, but the part of her that was begging for him and his soft lips, was her core. She felt herself pulsate at the closer he got to her core. He pushed her panties aside looking at her and how wet she was. Her clit had slightly swollen from the release they were begging. Abaddon smirked against her as he placed the top of his finger lightly on her clit,moving it in circular motions,

Isolabella moaned loudly


Abaddon didn't answer at first, enjoying how melodic she sounded, then he pushed his tongue out, dragging it close to her clit but not on it,


His smirk widened, he placed a kiss on her smooth pubic area.

"Please what, Bella. What do you want"

He pulled one of her lips between his lips and she trembled as she pulled his soft hair,

"Tell me, princess. What do you want"

She bit her lips, trying to contain herself from cumming right away,


The he got up and crashed his lips against hers once more, Isolabella kissed him back trying to deepen the kiss as she rocked herself on his thigh, he pushed her hips back on the bed and smirked, Isolabella thought he looked the devil he is supposed to be, handsome and lethal.

"We can't have that now, can we, my Bella. That's what you get for teasing me, next time you do this with me, you've got to choose what you will do about our mate bond. Otherwise I can't give you what you want"

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