7 - Pleased To Make Your Acquaintance, Not

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After the indirect teasing that Isolabella did, Dante's hard on was quite obvious. She noticed how huge he was. But on the other side, her papa was scolding her on the phone.

"You are teasing the poor man, aren't you?"

She giggled at Lucifer's words. On the other side of the call, he sighed as he heard her little giggles. She was too innocent for a demon, but being a demon she knew how to use her innocence to taunt and tease her victims.

"Have you eaten, papa?"

Lucifer smiled at the obvious concern.  He hummed, not wanting to answer her question. In reality, he was waiting for her to go home, so they could eat together. He never admitted it, but he always waited for her to come home and eat together.

Isolabella smiled at the thought of her papa wanting to spend more time with her. She had a full blown smile playing on her lips

"This is my last class today, papa. Once I come home, I'll make something for all of us."

Ever since Isolabella came into their lives, family meals were way more frequent. They all knew she would feel lonely if she had ate alone. She wouldn't eat well at all. So they all promised to be present as long as they are capable to do so for the meals.

And secretly, everyone enjoyed it.

After some more checking ups from Lucifer's side, before he ended the call, he admitted he felt bad for making her go through being a male, so she was finally allowed to be a female again.

"You're too protective, papa"

With that, they agreed, Lucifer shamelessly agreed to being protective over her. He may never say it, but she was his daughter and only daughter.

Once they bid each other their goodbyes, Isolabella hung up. Astaroth changed their form slowly back to a female in men's clothes. Dante's eyes roamed on her curvy body that barely peaked through the male garments. He loved how she looked, his yellow eyes full of hunger.

Dante thought to himself, as his hard on twitched underneath his jeans how she would look in his clothes. It was an image that made his mouth water at the sight.

Dante, as if in a trance, walked towards Isolabella. A blush was evedant on her cheeks. She was bold in her male form, but in her female form she felt vulnerable and shy, the only reason was because she identified as a female. She could sya whatever there wS shamelessly as a male because she wasn't truly in that role. But as a female, it was her raw identity and emotions. And she always felt embarrassed showing her emotions.

Dante's fingers twitched, he wanted to caress her tinted cheeks with his long fingers.

As he reached out to her, the door burst open, revealing a very out of breath Abaddon.

"Don't you fucking dare"

In a flash, Abaddon was in between them. His hand wrapped tightly around Dante's wrist. They glared at each other.

Dante's eyes yellowed further, showing his furious wolf inside. But Abaddon was just as angry, he thought 'how dare he try to touch her delicate skin',

Abaddon's eyes darkened to purple, showing his demon and how displeased they were.

After a silent standoff for a few minutes, the door burst open once again, this time revealing Asmodeus, the ruler of Lust in hell.

"Too much Testosterone in one room, please calm your dic-"

Before he got to finish, Abaddon and Dante, both looked at him, directing their glares at him now. It was as if they were daring him to finish the sentence in front of Isolabella.

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