5 - Not Your Fucking Angel

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'I think you should let me handle it'

Astaroth, Isolabella's devil had tried to convince their vessel when Isolabella was walking to the professor's office with a tense Abaddon behind her.

To this day, no one knew Astaroth's actual gender. Isolabella found it slightly hard to use they when she talked about them because it sounded like she talked baout a bunch of people while she was talking about one person, but nevertheless, she did not judge and complied when Astaroth asked her to just call them that way because they really didn't have a gender, and they didnt want to bother with identifying as it was too complicated for their demonic brain. The demon was known to rule over laziness, self doubt and for some reason, rationality. Isolabella didn't understand how it all tied to each other, but she was thankful for having them by her side.

'I will handle it myself. If it gets too much, I'll let you know to come out, even if it's against rules.'

Astaroth sat back in her head and watched it all unfold. They were very curious over Alpha Dante. One may think they were also very interested in exploring him. Both them and Isolabella. But Isolabella barely understood her complicated emotions, after all she hadn't experience romantic feelings towards another.

Isolabella pushed her hand forward to knock on the big doors, but Abaddon held her hand in his palm, he told her

"I am right here if you need me, scream and I'll off his head, Bella"

Isolabella giggled nervously. She knew that he was for real, but she tried to ease his mind. His shoulders relaxed a bit at her giggles, and he reluctantly let her hand go. Astaroth only raised a brow with a knowing smirk, Isolabella asked them,

'Why are you smirking?'

But they just kept on smirking and then winked,

'I can't wait for you to actually find out, I mean, I don't mind him. He looks absolutely tast-'

Isolabella scrunched her nose to shut her up 'I'm not going to listen la la la la'

As the conversation was going, a deep voice responded with 'come in' before her knuckles connected with the door. Astaroth finally stopped teasing the girl and just crossed their legs on the other. Anticipating what would happen.

Isolabella went in with her head down. She wouldn't have a problem looking him in his eyes, but she didn't want to challenge him while she is alone in a room. After all she really didn't trust men besides her brothers and Abaddon and of course her papa. She didn't think that trusting men is a bad thing, she just hasn't come across anyone else that was trustful besides family. Of course, family by choice, not her previous father.

She shook the memories of her father away. She tried to breathe in and out like Astaroth taught her.


She looked up into his concerned gaze. His yellow eyes shining with the streaks of the sun coming through the window. His eyes alone were so captivating. His lips were set into a small frown, showing the depth of his concern for her. His jawline was so sharp, if her tongue went over it, she would definitely cut her tongue off with it. His hair was even messier than before, as if his long fingers had ran through it over and over again. Oh what would she do to have her own fingers tangled in his brown hair, running over his scalp and getting moans of pleasure out of him.

She thought to herself, 'God, you didn't save me before, but save me now. Please.'

He got up, pushing his chair back and walked towards Isolabella. She thought to herself that he was way taller than her. He was as tall as Abaddon, and to her, Abaddon was very tall.

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