8 - What The Hell?

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Everyone stared at the three of them.

Isolabella despised the attention she was given, she didn't like being the center of attention.

The demons smirked, some thought 'lucky', others thought 'lucifer will have their heads' and most of them were happy for her. That not only did she have one mate, but two. Secretly though, they envied her too, demons didn't have soul mates.

"B-But how?"

Abaddon was lost in a trance. A small smile playing on his red lips, he had the warmest expression on his face. He thought to himself that she can't look at him as a brother like she always tried to or even as a friend. He was happy that he was the very first ever demon that had been blessed with a mate. But then he frowned, he looked at Dante's face and hated how his yellow eyes glowed, taking all of her in. Taking all of what is his, in.

Dante's wolf, Cerberus was over the moon. They were immortal. Having a mate was a low chance because it was the downside of their immortality. Dante himself was no stranger to the feeling. He felt like melting in a pool at her feet.

Both men were already wrapped around her fingers.

Abaddon glared at Dante, already feeling protective of his Bella as always. It felt justified why he was always so protective with her. Dante glared as aggressively, the two men had turned the quiet classroom into an empty room where you could hear the echo of a pin dropping. At any moment, everyone anticipated the bloodshed.

But before that happened, a voice came through the speakers.

"Alpha Darcy, Lucem Ferre-s make your ways to the headmaster's office, please."

Dante, as quickly as he could, finished up the class and made sure to give them materials tto cover in his absence meanwhile Abaddon was trying to shake a stunned Isolabella. She stood there staring at him. Looked back and forth between Dante and Abaddon. And she thought to herself 'what am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to choose between them and break the other one in the process?'

She looked at Dante's back, she hadn't known him for long, but it was obvious what they felt towards each other in such a short time, no doubt that the mate bond had done it's job well to create a pull. Then she looked back at Abaddon and blushed. She never thought it possible, she thought it's weird because she counted Lucifer as her Papa, but he isn't her brother and she isn't his blood at all. She was after all only looked after by them. She thought to herself about the times that she felt a sting when other girls were touching him or flirting with him. He never paid them any mind. And she enjoyed that.

How could she choose between the two?

Abaddon bit his lower lip in frustration, running his fingers through his hair and letting a few strands fall in the process. He looked back at red faced Isolabella. He enjoyed seeing her blush, how could he let another mine take that away from him? He wanted her and only her.

But so did Dante.

Dante couldn't think of a life without her now knowing she was his mate. He was willing to wait for decades if it meant she would eventually choose him even if she didn't at first. He was willing to let her be happy with whatever decision she would make, but he also wanted her really badly. He wanted everything related to her, he was even willing to go to hell and burn for eternity if it meant being with her there.

How could either men let the beautiful girl go?

Before the bell rang, everyone had to leave. The three left and made their ways to the headmaster's office. On the way, Isolabella kept blushing thinking about the two men she had all for herself. Astaroth in her mind told her that they could make it work, all three of them somehow. Then Astaroth would send images of all three of them doing some questionable things on a bed in Isolabella's head. She kept sneaking glances at Abaddon. And then back at Dante. Dante would smile warmly at her everytime, he was so gentle. While Abaddon's expression was unreadable, his violet eyes were deep and intense, as if a storm was brewing in them everytime Isolabella looked at him. His expression wasn't so gentle, out of the two, he was looking at her, taking her face and body all in. Isolabella thought to herself if it was the mate bond, or if he had always been that way but she hadn't noticed.

Isolabella loved the gentle way that Dante looked at her, but she also adored Abaddon's intensity.

The soon enough, they were in front of the headmaster's door, Isolabella dreaded going on. But Abaddon's smirked to himself.

The first to knock was Dante, a deep 'come in' sounded from the room.

As they made their ways in, lucifer looked up at the three. Taking in Dante next to Isolabella, and then taking in Abaddon's next to his beautiful daughter.

He sighed to himself as he got up. He rubbed his face then pushed away some escaped dark strands from his face. He got up and walked towards them. He pulled Isolabella awya from them and said,

"You need to prove yourself worthy of my girl, Alpha Dante. Even if you are the alpha of alphas, you need to be Bale to stomach anything for my little girl."

Abaddon smirked as he knew what was to come.

"And you"

Lucifer turned towards his own son, he smirked as he teased his son,

"I didn't know you were into your sister so much"

Abaddon groaned and glared at his father for speaking the weirdest sentence to him "she is not my sister, clearly. Otherwise why would we be mates, father."

Through it all, Isolabella tried to escape and run away to have some time to think for herself but lucifer held her tightly.

"You will spend a week in the Alpha's place. Helping with his pack. Meanwhile alpha Dante here will help with hell"

Dante nodded his head eagerly, it was like he thought to himself. He was going to hell for her.

"Father, what in the hell-- I can finally have her, you know how much I've wanted her all these years-"

Lucifer smirked "Who said anything about her being yours now?"

Abaddon's mouth for once, was hung open because he didn't have a come back. Dante smirked to himself, he thought that the demon would give up easy that he is going into his place, his work rook a mental and physical toll on leaders.

"As you are her father, I'd do anything to satisfy you. She is mine afterall-"

Lucifer frowned "she isn't yours, she is no one's. She is mine now. You can become each other's mates you two" he gentured towards the two males.

They grunted at the thought of loving each other. They'd rather be stabbed in the heart than have any affection towards one another.

Isolabella grinned at Dante first then Abaddon. He couldn't help but notice he came afterwards, he already thought she might choose him over himself. And he hated the thought. So in a quick motion, before any one realized, Abaddon swooped his mate up as Dante stared wide eyed and lucifer grunted, and he disappeared into thin air with his mate. This was just another one of his demonic tricks.

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