15 - Panic

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After Isolabella was done with the torture, she had walked so quickly towards her room that her mates had trouble staying at the same pace as hers. She had less than an hour to clean up so she could cook something.

Once she reached her room, she pushed the door wide open, Abaddon and Dante stood worriedly but readily at the door, not knowing what she wanted to do with them.

Isolabella quickly picked a pair of matching nude underwear up as she grabbed her robe and shower supplies. She turned around and walked towards Abaddon's room where Dante was also staying.

Her body moved on its own, Astaroth silently stayed by her side trying to send serenity through their bond, but Isolabella had put a wall up, they couldn't do anything for her.

Without asking for permission, she barged into the room and opened Abaddon's drawers slightly blushing when she saw his underwear, she tried to ignore it as she grabbed a pair of shorts and rummeged through a bag that smelled like Dante where she pulled a hoodie out.

She slammed the door shut once she was inside the bathroom.

She then turned the faucet on, letting water run down her head and body, watching the blood wash off. While she sat there spacing out, she thought to herself,

"Why couldn't I have had normal parents"

She blamed it all on God. She thought that it was unnecessary to make people go through harsh things like this. But it wasn't like she was the creator. So, she couldn't really judge.

A sob broke out through her body as she started violently shivering, she knew she was starting to panic, and she couldn't pull the wall down to let Astaroth in, the panic attack had completely consumed her mind. She wasn't thinking rational anymore.

Everytime she felt that way, the only thing besides Astaroth that calmed her down was self harm.

She knew it was wrong, but it was either that or a panic attack.

She tried to find a razor to break, but it was no good. She couldn't find any. So she looked at the mirror in front of her, not knowing who was staring right back at her as her fist connected with the mirror over and over, until her knuckles turned red, and bled.

Before she could pick the shattered pieces up, the door busted open as a distressed Dante and a calm Abaddon yet clearly as distressed as Dante at the same time appeared in the door frame. The sight of the two huge men looked off, as if they were the door itself. At least that's how big they appeared for Isolabella.

Abaddon rushed towards her as he covered her body with his, trying to hide what he could from Dante. Meanwhile, Dante couldn't stand someone else holding his distressed mate, let alone naked.

A loud growl escaped Dante's chest as Cerberus surfaced trying to make Abaddon submit to his Alpha energy, but Abaddon wasn't having it, he glared at Dante as he stroked his Bella's wet hair with his fingers, calming the curled up bundle in his arms down as she breathed heavily.

The more Dante growled and the more Abaddon sent his demonic energy back in, the more distressed she got. Her sobs got worse as out of nowhere she was pulled away, into Dante's embrace,

This was her first time that he had tried to calm her and it was nice for her. She held onto him. She held her hands out for Abaddon to hold. He quickly laced his long strong fingers around hers.

"I'm sorry, princess."

"I'm sorry, angel."

Both men said in unison, Isolabella choked a laugh out, it looked comical to her that they looked absolutely clueless on what to do,

Abaddon kissed her knuckle where she was bleeding, Dante rocked his distressed mate back and forth in an attempt to calm her, but really it was one of his quirks that he had when he was distressed, Isolabella knew that.

Eventually, Isolabella calmed down and kept her head low, her eyes couldn't meet either of her mates, Abaddon pulled her back from Dante and glared at him.

"Don't touch my mate"

"She is my mate as much as yours"

Both of them silently glared at each other, Isolabella pushed both of them away as she got up, her naked body full on display as she just tried to finish off her shower.

The bathroom was suddenly quiet.

She turned around to see both men looking down at the shower tiles, they of course wanted to look but they didn't want to do so because it wasn't an appropriate time and Isolabella hasn't really consented to it. Isolabella  shook her head,

"Are you guys going to shower with me or would you rather leave?"

Both Dante and Abaddon's eyes widened as they quickly hurried off. There was no way that they would've showered together, with her.

They just couldn't stand being naked in front of each other, they felt weird about that.

So if they would shower with her, It had to be alone. And neither of them had gotten the green card from her.

A small smile crept up Isolabella's face as she finished up her shower, she was thankful that Dante and Abaddon had barged in at the right time before she hurt herself, there were already enough scars on her.

Isolabella dried herself up and started getting dressed being drenched in her mates' scents.

She strolled out as she saw both men having a stare off and glaring at one another.

"Can you both stop glaring at each other?"

Abaddon's eyes softened as he stared at his mate, he walked towards her and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, at the same time, Dante held her hand and kissed all her fingers causing Isolabella to giggle,

She thought to herself,

What would I ever do if I don't accept one of them?

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