14 - Torture

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Isolabella arrived at the dungeon. Excitement had bubbled up in the pit of her stomach.

Excitement to do things to that disgusting creature, to torture him.

Astaroth was just as excited as her. The click of her heels sounded in the quiet but occasionally scream filled dungeon as she pushed the door open. She passed by the watching area, switching to the area that her 'father' resided in.

The moment she pushed the door open, he lifted his ugly head up. She slightly resembled him and she hated it. But she also knew she was nothing like him.

She was better, in every way.

His dark eyes widened in horror, Isolabella had tortured him before, he never forgot it. It wasn't like Isolabella wanted him to forget either.

But today, she wanted to renew the pain he had felt for the first time.

Today, she wanted to see hope die in his eyes, like he killed hers.

"P-Please, I'm sorry-"

A sound of a click sounded, but she didn't mind. She didn't care who was close by.

If they wanted to watch, they were more than welcome to.

Maybe they should take a note or two from her.

Isolabella was normally a sweet and caring girl. A girl that any man would wish for. Not because she was submissive, quite the opposite. She knew when the appropriate time was for what.

But today, she didn't care. She wasn't sweet.

She was the embodiment of torture herself.

And at the same time the click had sounded, her foot came into contact with his mouth, she didn't care that she was flashing whoever was around or this bastard. Oh no, she was doing this because this is how he saw her. He saw her as an object, something to never had clothes on. So she obliged, only as a way to show how she isn't an object. That despite what she was wearing, she was a bad ass and she would kick ass. Nothing could get in her way, and she was going to get what she wanted.

She needed to make sure everyone knew that no matter what she wore, she was still Isolabella. She was a strong woman whether she wore baggy clothes or tight and flashy garments.

Her sweet but chilling laugh sounded through the whole room as blood seeped through the man's mouth. Astaroth stirred a bit, she sensed their mates around, but Isolabella didn't care.

'If this makes either of my mates leave, then I've dodged a bullet.'

The thought naturally came to her, she wasn't going to be weak in front of this man. Or in front of anyone for that matter. She wouldn't let anyone take advantage of her.

She was going to make that man go through what he made her go through.

She was going to become his personal hell.

With a snap of her fingers and a slow smirk appearing on her glossed up lips, the room turned into greenery, a place full of white and pink flowers as she slowly walked through towards the man. Besides the scenary change, she also made him forget everything. That he was in hell. That she had tortured him before.

That he was going to be tortured now too. That it was all going to be a 'new' experience for him.

She slowly walked towards him, untying the man as he stared at her. The disgusting smirk had lit his face up like it used to when he abused her.

"Come here, Isolabella. Let me show you how a real father takes care of his daughter."

Isolabella felt a bile rise up in her throat at the way he talked, at how he looked at her body. No matter how clothed she would be, he would have looked at her the same way. In a way, she dressed like this to prove a point. That she didn't care for some torturing asshole that thought of hurting her because she was going to hurt him, real bad.

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