17 - I Am Yours

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After everyone ate their food, each of them cleaned their plates themselves. However, the used pots, Isolabella and her mates stayed behind to clean up with her.

She was humming to herself, Abaddon stared at her, she could feel his intense gaze. It was burning her, and that was in a very sexual way.

Dante, on the other hand, was staring as well. His fangs slightly showing as he ran his tongue on them as he looked at his mate's neck.

He wanted to mark her.

They both did.

Suddenly, Isolabella doubled over in pain. She hissed as she held her abdomen. She had just finished with cleaning up, when the sudden pain stabbed her repeatedly.

She looked at her mates, both of them ran over to her. Abaddon's eyes grew darker. So dark in lust that he was barely recognizable.

Dante's eyes held a desire that looked almost dangerous. They both growled at each other to protect their mate. They both held her close to her bode.

She was flailing around in pain. She thought that being close to death wasn't this painful.

The it cleared up to her mates why they were suddenly feeling like horny animals wanting to hump everything to subside the need.

Asmodeus walked in, standing in front of the door.

"She is going through heat."

Abaddon and Dante growled loudly, they had become much closer to their primal sides.

"She needs to have sex with both of you, at the same time, otherwise it just won't work."

Abaddon looked at Dante with disgust, Dante did the same too.

Asmodeus quietly left the room. As the embodiment of lust, he knew better than anyone when it came to sex. He smirked to himself as he mumbled to himself,

" You can thank me later. "

Dante held Isolabella tightly as he sprinted towards Abaddon's room. Abaddon composed himself as he felt anger bubbling in his chest at the thought of his mate in Dante's arms, taking care of her.

He growled as he sprinted towards his room as well.

When he opened the door, Dante growled.

"Took you long enough, we need to hold her at the same time."

Abaddon nodded. He hated the thought of someone else holding his beloved.

Dante quickly stood up to lock the door for safety. Then in a second he was back holding Isolabella.

She slowly opened her eyes, tired from the pain.

" I can't just choose one of you."

"You don't have to, Bella."

Dante and Isolabella stared at him, slightly shock at his suggestion.

"A-Are you saying you will r-reject me?"

Abaddon shook his head,

Dante nodded as both him and Abaddon had a silent agreement. They knew that this was the only way. They had to get along now.

"You can take us both as your mates."

Isolabella's eyes sparked at the thought. She thought 'imagine not only being blessed by one mate, but two'

She nodded eagerly and her mates chuckled. At the same time, a blush crept on her face. She thought 'are they going to have sex with me together?', but sadly, before she could answer her own question, she felt another stab pain shot through her.

"Fuck, I can't take it anymore."

Abaddon's eyes widened at his mate's language and so did Dante's. They thought that she must be hurting a lot for her to be cursing.

Then he looked at Dante "We need to mark her."

They looked at Isolabella for permission, there was no way they would force themselves on her.

She nodded in their direction as she moaned in pain.

They both rested their lips on each side on her neck. Dante's lips latched on her right side and Abaddon' s was on her left side.

Abaddon's slowly sucked and licked on the sweet spot, causing Isolabella to moan louder than she intended to, but she couldn't hold it in. She felt so pleased just from the simple contact of her mates.

Dante on the other side grazed her neck with his teeth, it was almost as if they were both playing with her, teasing her. Dante's tongue dragged on her neck, and then nibbled on her earlobe.

Isolabella almost felt like passing out. She was in a pool of her own wetness.

She thought, if this is how this feels, I wonder how them taking me feels.

She felt slightly shy that she was vulnerable in front of them both.

"I love you."

They both whispered in her ears. She felt like she had left hell and ascended to heaven. But only hypothetically.

She blushed as she looked into their eyes,

"I love you both as well, so I never could decide on whose mate I should be. Thank you for accepting me, both of you."

Dante latched his lips back on her neck again, this time, sucking and licking it harder than before, showing her how much he wanted and needed her.

Abaddon's violet eyes darkened as he kissed her lips. They were kissing so passionately. Abaddon's tongue invaded Isolabella's. She moaned loudly as at the same time, she felt Dante's teeth sink into her neck. Pleasure raking through her whole body. She almost came right then and there. Her core pulsated violently, waiting to be touched. Waiting to be pleased.

But they weren't done yet.

Once Dante finished up, he raked his tongue over the mark. Then Abaddon trailed kisses along her neck as Dante gave her neck a last kiss, moving her head towards him as Abaddon found his teeth on her neck, grazing it gently.

Both Dante and Abaddon wrapped an arm around her waist at the same time, Dante cupped one of her boobs as Abaddon did the same. They played with them as they wanted, pleasing Isolabella further, she felt something knotting in the pit of her stomach even more, her eyes rolled back as Abaddon's teeth sank into her neck. She moaned loudly as Dante's mouth moved against hers with so much desire, that they couldn't split to take in the oxygen that the creatures needed to survive.

Isolabella loved every second of it. Abaddon left his mark on his mate's smooth skin as he felt all of her emotions barging in his head. Feeling her affection and desire for him.

Dante also felt it all. How much she loved him. How much she couldn't leave him or Abaddon. That for the first time in her whole life, she felt complete.

They both felt her emotions and how much she loved them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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